Thursday, June 16, 2016

What's the Matter with Black Lives Matter? BLM thugs

Apparently there is a contingent in the BLM movement who think it’s perfectly acceptable to intimidate, harass, and even physically attack others.  Those on the extreme right will say that’s no big surprise, while those on the extreme left will say those aren’t legitimate BLM activists.  Regardless of what side of the political spectrum you fall on, there’s no denying that BLM is being used as a vehicle for people to act like stupid asses.

Take the case of Dartmouth College.  Students were studying in the library, minding their own business and trying to GET AN EDUCATION when a group of activists invaded the library chanting “black lives matter” at the top of their lungs.  As if that wasn’t bad enough, when students tried to ignore them, the activists assumed they didn’t care about black lives and harassed some of the students.

Then there’s the case of speeches given by the democratic candidates.  When Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton were giving talks to their constituents, some morons decided to hijack the speeches and make it all about them.  Especially in the case of Sanders, the activists were extremely rude and crass.  Sanders tried to reason with them, telling them they would get a turn to speak as soon as he was done, but the nasty skank activists would hear none of it.

In St. Louis, a passenger was attacked on a commuter train.  Some two bit thugs were accusing the passenger of not caring about black lives, and tried to steal allegedly asked to use his cell phone.  When he refused, they started beating him.  The other passengers did nothing, and some of them even laughed (the ghetto ones, most likely).

At DePaul University in Chicago, some BLM clowns interrupted a talk by Milo Yiannopoulos.  A ratchet female in a crop top and hot pants snatched the microphone from Yiannopoulos’ co-speaker, and shoved her fist in Yiannopoulos’ face.  I can’t imagine what would have happened if a white guy went up to the stage and did the same to a black person.  And University officials did nothing (on the contrary, some idiot law professor at DePaul said the president should be ashamed for letting Yiannopoulos speak at the school, rather than criticizing the behavior of the BLM mob).

Finally, there’s the case of the decorated U.S. marine, Christopher Marquez, who was attacked while eating at a fast food establishment.  A "crowd of youths" (read: lowlife ghetto cockroaches with too much time on their hands and no prospects) approached Marquez in a confrontational manner demanding if ‘black lives matter’.  He tried to ignore them, after which they accused him of being a racist (talk about the pot calling the kettle black, no pun intended).  On his way out, they followed Marquez and hit him in the back of the head, knocking him unconscious.

Now there are people who doubt his story, and say he is making it up.  People probably also wonder how a trained marine could be overcome so quickly.  If the story turns out fake, then I’ll take this post down.  However, for the time being, I’m going to assume he’s telling the truth.  If you see the video (link below), you’ll see he was sucker-punched.  Marine or no marine, if you are hit hard enough in the back of the head/neck like that, without warning, I think a lot of people would go down.

The sad thing is, according to the article by USA Today (below), the police report did not, at least initially, include a description of the assailants.  Was it because they were black?  Is it now considered racist to list the race of the perpetrator?  I’ll bet if perpetrators were white, that information would have made it on the police report.

Political-correctness is just sick.  How are we suppose to catch criminals if there is no description of them?  Sounds like we have a bunch of morons running the police department.

It is a sad irony that Marquez risked his life in a foreign country yet manages to make it back alive, and it is back at home that he gets wounded and ends up in the hospital.

War Hero Christopher Marquez after ignorant ghetto thugs  misguided youth tried to  beat him to a pulp for no reason  engage in a discussion regarding black lives matter.

Christopher Marquez recovering and making his country proud

St. Louis Metrolink train: Don't look for help on this mofo. Gnome sayin'?

Not sure what a gay british journalist has to do with american police brutality . . .

Some of the incidents above are obviously so-called “hate crimes”, but the government and media don’t consider it as such.  I wonder why?

Man, I hate ghetto people.

Sources below:
Dartmouth college library (November 2015)

Bernie Sanders speech (August 2015)

Hillary Clinton speech (February 2016)

St. Louis Metrolink attack (March 2015)

DePaul University (May 2016)