Friday, August 26, 2016

Sylville Smith and Milwaukee, WI (Part 1)

I’m out of town for one week (free from television, radio, and internet) and as soon as I get back from my vacation  -  literally one day after coming back  -  there is another shooting and riot.

What the hell?!

This time, it happened in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

I have not been able to confirm all of the details, but the police claim that a black man, 23-year old Sylville Smith, after being stopped by the police, rushed out of the car with a gun, and when ordered to drop his gun, refused and fled on foot, after which he was shot 2 times and died.

As of this writing I don’t know if police have released the video footage, but that’s what they claim.

Of course, the other side claims he was a victim of the racist police (never mind that the police officer who shot him, Dominique Heaggan, was also black). Logic anyone?

Smith’s family claims:
  • -“they couldn’t envision him [Smith] pulling a weapon on the police or running/hiding from them”
  • -“he carried a gun not because he was violent, but because ‘he was scared and needed to protect himself’”
  • -“he didn’t even like to argue”
  • -“he was known for his style and for being a ladies’ man”

Smith’s sister (Sherelle Smith) claims both he and the officer who shot him (Heaggan) went to the same school and that Heaggan was jealous of him because Smith was more popular. (However the school district spokeswoman says they have no record of Smith and Heaggan attending high school together.)

A friend or neighbor (Nefataria Gordon) claimed that Smith “was a nice good person; He was really respected.”

bitches and guns - ladies' man and new BLM poster boy Sylville Smith

In contrast, the media and police claim that Smith:
  • -had a lengthy criminal record (however Smith’s sister denies this)
  • -record includes possession of drugs (heroin, cocaine), robbery, a shooting, and witness intimidation
  • -was carrying a semi-automatic handgun (containing 23 rounds of ammunition) at the time of the shooting
  • -the handgun had been taken in a burglary a few months before (along with 500 rounds of ammunition).

Smith’s mother also denies he had a felony record, but admitted “he had been arrested”.

Smith’s sister said “he should have been tased” instead of shot. LOL. He had 23 rounds of ammo on him (which is more than the cop had). Had anyone tried to tase Smith, they would have been shot and killed.

But, none of this matters. The ghetto trash was out in full force, intimidating and provoking the police (after seeing the video footage, I’m amazed at the restraint those police officers showed).

The rioting barbarians also attacked journalists. One reporter was shoved to ground and punched. Other reporters where chased from the area by an angry crowd. A photojournalist was pelted with rocks while taking a picture of a burning car. If there is one unofficial rule, it’s that the press should be left alone. But the lowlife rioters don’t even respect that. They respect nothing (but they do insist on getting ‘props’ from the rest of us).

I guess they didn’t want anyone to record their savagery (even though some of the rioters recorded themselves and posted the videos online for all to see). But, if you feel you are justified in rioting and looting, then why would you be ashamed? This just goes to show that they (the rioters) know what they are doing is wrong, but don’t want to admit it.

Hundreds of people rioted. 17 were arrested (all with prior arrest records, according to police).

Man this is so stupid. Most people who get shot and killed by police are white males (according to “official statistics”). Of course the ignorant BLM movement doesn’t want to acknowledge that. As for the liberal PC crowd, the excuse they give for this statistic is that it's because whites are the majority of the population in this country.

HOWEVER, most crimes are committed by people of color (mainly black and Hispanic), so it stands to reason that most run-ins (and therefore shootings) with police will be with blacks and Hispanics. DUH!!!!  So even after that little fact, it turns out white men still get shot more.  So tell me, how is it that all the police are racist because they are targeting people of color?  THANK YOU.

Plus, most black men (the VAST majority) are kill by other black men. If you value life so much why kill each other? Idiots.  Just that one fact alone makes it difficult to take BLM seriously.

But again, none of this matters to the stupid politically-correct ghetto enablers in our society. Anyone defending this type of behavior either does not have to live next to ghetto people, or are ghetto themselves. For those of us civilized folks who live or have lived next to ghetto people, the actions of the rioters are indefensible.

Whatever happened to “peaceably assemble”? I guess The First Amendment to the Constitution is just some "hella wack honky piece of paper". Thank god this ghetto trash is not in charge of the country (at least not yet).

Okay, on with the freak show.

chivalrous inner city youth pleading with the oppressive evil racist law enforcement to "spare the bitches women"!

Let my people . . . .GO ! ! ! !  Can I get an Amen!?

The Fezz versus the Fuzz.  If you thought police were targeting you, why would you go up to them at point blank range?  Just sayin'.

Village of the Damned, Milwaukee style

(but only if killed by a cop)

Protesters blocking traffic at an intersection.  Or maybe passers-by are just awed by the white guys' fashion sense.


Can't tell if this is Kendrick Lamar or Stewie from Family Guy

Never fails . . . I just waxed it this morning

Just a few more years of this BS until retirement . . . .

Looting the BP Gas station convenience store at N. Sherman Blvd. and Burleigh St.  They be owing us and shit.  Gnome sayin'?

These people don't seem too upset with the death of Sylville Smith . . . They actually look like they're having a bit of fun.


BP Gas station set on fire.  Shit's gettin' real now up in this mofo

Burn this bitch down!

The Heat (pun intended)

Here come the po-po

According to the caption for this photo, this guy was being pelted with rocks

According to the caption for this photo, this guy was supposedly injured by a gunshot

This guy was allegedly shot in the neck

Boo!!!  Scared ya didn't I?!

Po po's being pelted with rocks . . .

shirtless mujahideen?

I ain't gonna say it.

Some happy campers smiling as they go about their business

predatory thugs civil rights activists pelting police the white racist oppressor's vehicles with stones

There was a dance party going on during the rioting (you can find the video on youtube).  They were smiling and having a good time.  An odd way to commemorate a solemn occasion (the death of a 23-year old), but maybe I'm just culturally naive.

Where da party at, dawg?

Looting the beauty supply store (Jet Beauty)

More Looting.  "Give us any chance we'll take it - Give us any rule we'll break it - We're gonna make our dreams come true - DOING IT OUR WAY!!"

Here are old pictures of the Sherman Park district in Milwaukee

This bakery was in an area adjacent to the Sherman Park district (Strupp Bakery, on 33rd and Clarke streets)

Here is an old picture of a parade on Wisconsin Avenue in Milwaukee (not in Sherman Park, however)

Here are some pictures of the Sherman Park district today, after the riots

Sung Park, the owner of the Jet Beauty supply store looted during the rioting, surveys the damage.
"So pay respect to the black fist - or we'll burn your store right down to a crisp" - Ice Cube (from the song "Black Korea")

O'Reilly Auto parts

Gas station owner Pakhar Singh (in red) and his cousin Bachan Gill (in blue) survey the damage

Sylville Smith's father (Patrick Smith) and aunt (Sha Stinson)
Aight that's enough. I ain't jo mama.

Alleged family member lighting candles.  That girl with the bottle of booze in her hand - Is she going to do what I think she's going to do? (pour out some for her dead homie?).

And now, time for the obligatory hand-holding, kumbaya-singing, sackcloth-and-ashes display of "unity" (otherwise know as hypocrite time).

You all know the drill.
