Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Bad Eggs


When parents act like dicks, what do you expect from the next generation?

In Orange, Connecticut, a rabble of ill-mannered parents and their brats ruined a public easter egg hunt put on by the Pez candy company.

Now, I have been to one of these before (in fact, I went to one this last easter with some relatives, just over a week ago).  The event organizers made it so that different age groups each got a turn hunting for eggs.  They would place the eggs on the field, and as soon as one age group was finished hunting, everyone got off the field to allow the organizers to place more eggs (for the next age group).  Everyone obeyed the rules and nobody rushed the field until they were told it was OK to do so.  Older kids weren’t allowed to be on the field with younger ones and vice versa.  It was very nice

Well, not in the town of Orange (in New Haven).  Event organizers placed about 9000 eggs on 3 different fields with the intention of having different age groups start at different times (to give everyone a fighting chance - figuratively of course).  Instead, the imbecile parents decided NOT to wait for the starting time and moved from field to field without being directed to do so.

They rushed the fields and took everything, like locusts.

Witnesses reported that a 4-year old child was bloodied and a 2-year old was “shoved into the mud”.  One witness said parents were knocking over and trampling the children, with eggs being stolen directly out of their baskets.

Some of the adults criticized the company for their “lack of organization”; however, they really should be blaming the other parents for this one.  The parents were allegedly repeatedly told to wait, but they didn’t listen, and instead descended upon the easter egg field like the savages they are.

 Honestly, it's not the company's fault that these grown-ups can't behave themselves.  And anyway, what kind of a sicko steals candy from little kids?

Leave it to ghetto people to ruin everybody’s good time.

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