Friday, February 19, 2016

No - Nguyen Situation

Daytona Florida resident (and dictator look-a-like) Stan Nguyen

In July 2012 on a hot summer day, According to the "Daily News" (yes I know it sounds like a fake newspaper) Stan Nguyen called con repair-man Sean Hickman to fix his air conditioning unit.

According to the story, Hick-Man said he tested the unit and it gave off sparks, after which he told Nguyen it would need to be replaced.  Nguyen concluded that Hickman damaged the unit.  What further set Nguyen off was that Hicky-man handed Nguyen a bill for $109, so an angry Nguyen pulled a gun on Hickman (and threatened to shoot Hickman if he tried to leave).

Stan Nguyen told his son Stephen to call the police, so the younger Nguyen called 911, claiming that Hickman had "fried" the air conditioner and wouldn't leave.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  Ghetto trash begets even more ghetto trash.

Apparently while 'tough-guy Stan Nguyen' was fiddling with the safety on the pistol, the 'repair' man ran for cover.

Now, whether or not the repairman did shoddy work or not is irrelevant. You don't pull a gun on somebody and threaten their life just because you don't like the work they did (unless you're a psycho).  Lord knows what Nguyen would have done had Hickman shown up outside the 4-hour window!

Although, to Nguyen's credit, he was arrested "without incident" (I'm assuming that means he didn't get belligerent with the cops or try to run away). Which is probably why he was still alive afterwards.  I think it might have been cheaper to get a new unit than to post $5000 bail. Just sayin'.

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