Saturday, September 17, 2016

Sylville Smith and Milwaukee, WI (Part 2)

In order to get material for my previous post on the Milwaukee riots (part 1), I looked at some videos of the rioters.  Most of the people in the videos were pretty vile.  Others were just plain dumb.

Video #1
(this was actually a bunch of different videos scattered through the internet)

As everyone knows, there was a ‘racial element’ to this incident.  There were videos of some of the rioters making racist, anti-white comments.  The following were comments you could hear in the video:

--“They white! - Get their ass!

--“Better no white person come down Sherman {street}!”

--“He white! - beat his shit! – Bitch!"
(in the background you could also hear someone yellingbeat his ass! and There’s a white person!)

--“White boy!

--“Hey! They beating up every white person!”  “They be beating up every white person!
(However, this was just hyperbole on the part of the rioter)

--“They just beat some white bitch ass for no reason - they bust her window and everything

(This comment was by a female who was sitting on her front porch observing the rioting.  It appears somebody who was driving down the street in front of her porch might have been attacked, though it’s difficult to tell from the video.)

--“F**k y'all white motherf**kers!
(this comment was yelled by a rioter while he pelted a car with a projectile as the car was driving past him.  There was a dance party going on at the time the car drove by).

Now, if it had been white southerners shouting things like “They’re black – get their ass!” or “Kill all black mother**kers!”, there would have been a huge stink in the media.  However, because politically-correct people are under the delusion that “people of color cannot be racist”, this is considered acceptable behavior and therefore not newsworthy.

That’s pretty sick.

Video #2

Equally disturbing was the way the rioters taunted and harassed the police.  This is a video that appears to have been recorded in the late afternoon, just before the rioting.  Police are lined up across a street, and the neighborhood residents act in the most immature, vulgar, uncouth, and base manner. The following are quotes taken from some of the rioters:

Person #1

The apparent ringleader of the mob (he was wearing light-grey shorts and a black “Altitude – The Dispensary” T-shirt.  [That’s a company in Colorado that sells marijuana]).  This is what he said:

(addressing the police):
--"We want blood like y'all want; We want the same shit y'all want - an eye for an eye"  No more peace - that's what I want."

(addressing the police):
--“We cannot co-habitate with white people. One of us has to go. Black or white.  Y'all gotta go.

(addressing the mob):
--"Die for something that matters! They killed a black man. What the f**k you gonna do?"

Person #2

Next to the ringleader was a guy who had his dreadlocks in pigtails (he was wearing a blue Milwaukee Brewers T-shirt)  He was referred to as “Chaos” by another person later in the video.  This is what he said:

(addressing the police)
--"You all get the message? I'm swinging. You all get the message? I'm uppercutting shit!"

Person #3

This was a guy with a white tank top (‘wifebeater’) and sagging red jeans.  This is what he said:

(addressing the police):
--"You got enough helmets? 'cause one of ya'll nigga's shit is gonna get split!"

(addressing a police officer who was looking around):
--"Hey boy - look at my face!"

(addressing the police):
--"Ya'll don't prevent crime. Y'all react to it!"


Regarding the comment from person #1: (“We cannot cohabitate with white people. One of us has to go. Black or white.  Y'all gotta go.”)

My response:
If you cannot cohabitate with white people, then maybe this is not the country for you.  This is a multiracial society, and the majority of people in this country are white (though that may be changing soon).  So, unless you can somehow magically make all the white people disappear, you’re going to have to interact with them at some point.

But more importantly, white people have already fled from your neighborhood, so I don’t’ see the problem here.  What an idiot - I guess this moron has been smoking too much pot.

Regarding the other comment from person #1: (“Die for something that matters! They killed a black man. What the f**k you gonna do?”)

My response:
Dying for a common criminal?  Is that what “matters” nowadays?

Maybe I’m just old fashioned, but when I think of giving your life for something that matters, I think of freedom, country, family, beliefs, etc.  I'll bet this pot-smoking moron didn’t even personally know Sylville Smith.


Regarding the comment from person #2: (“You all get the message? I'm swinging. You all get the message? I'm uppercutting shit!”)

My response:
So what he is saying is that he is going to punch the police in the face.  I think his momma needs to grab him by his pigtails and drag is ignant azz back home.


Regarding the comment from person #3: ("Ya'll don't prevent crime. Y'all react to it!”).

My response:
This is probably the stupidest comment in the video (forgive my bad grammar, I know it should be "most stupid").  "[The police] don’t prevent crime, they just react to it”?  What the hell does that even mean?  Are they not suppose to react to crime?  If the police see a crime in progress, are they suppose to just ignore it?

How does this moron think crime is prevented?

You prevent crime by reacting to it.  That’s what makes criminals think twice about committing crimes – the possibility of dealing with the police.  Otherwise, if you ignore crime, that sends a message to criminals that it’s okay to commit crimes, which encourages more crime (instead of preventing it).  This is such a simple concept that I feel dumb even arguing it.

He also went on about how he had been robbed earlier in the day but the police weren't around.  Whatever.

That tubby piece of trash in the red jeans needs to pull up his pants and get a job.


Lastly, there were a few rioters yelling something about "don't touch no women"  Do not touch any women out here!".

Stupid posers.  I didn’t see any police officers harassing women.  What I did see however is the ringleader getting all up in the face of a female police officer who was about 2 feet shorter than he was.  Yeah Mr. Marijuana boy, you sure are some tough guy, aren’t you?

Video #3

In this video, a man (identified as Orlandis Jackson) was being interviewed by a local television reporter.  The man was complaining that his community was not getting enough “gibsmedats” from people with money.  He told the reporter the following::

--“It's sad because, you know, this is what happens because they not helping the black community.  Like you know, the rich people they got all this money and they not like, you know, trying to give us none. It's sad.

--"It's pretty sad what black people got to go through" (describing the rioting).


My response:
I don’t know how he can expect people to just give him money.  WTF?!  Would he just hand over money to somebody poorer than him?  I DON’T THINK SO.

Taxpayers have been dumping millions upon millions of dollars into the ghetto in the hopes that things will get better.  After decades of doing this, things have not improved.  In fact, they’ve gotten worse.  So what the hell does this clown think is going to get solved by throwing more money at the problem?

Sorry Mr. Jackson, but the only way to improve your community is for the people to stop acting like a bunch of savages and to start acting like responsible adults.  The onus is on you.  It's not the responsibility of rich people to just "give you money".

Video #4

The last person I’m going to write about is the alleged brother of the shooting victim.  He was identified as Sedan Smith (not sure of the spelling).  He was being interviewed by a local television reporter and had the following to say:

--"If you don't have anyone to protect us, then this is what you get, you know, you get riots"
--"We're losing loved ones every day to the people that are sworn in to protect us"
--"It's other stuff that's going on out here and you wonder why 'is ISIS in America"

The reporter then asked him the following question:
"We've got innocent business owners who are going up in flames [sic] - what's it going to take for you guys to be OK tonight and to stop this chaos?"

Sedan Smith responded:
--"It's not me. I'm a let you know it's not 'us guys' neither.  And I'm glad that y'all said that. It's not us. It's the police. This is the madness that they spark up.  This is what they encourage. This is what they provoke".

--"You get a lot of people that's hurt. And they can't vent the right way. They can no longer depend on the police to be here to protect us like they say they're going to do.  So this is what you get. And no it's not going to end today. I can't tell you it's going to end tomorrow. I don't know when it's going to end. But it's for you all to start. We not the ones that's killing us. Y’all killing us. We can't make a change if you all don't change."


Now, I’m going to cut this kid some slack because he seems fairly young.  And when we're young, we say a lot of dumb things that we later regret.  But I hope he reflects on his comments one day.

Regarding his comment: “If you don't have anyone to protect us, then this is what you get, you know, you get riots”.

My response:
How do riots protect you?  If you riot because there is no one to protect you, how does that give you protection?  That makes no sense.

Regarding his comment: “It's other stuff that's going on out here and you wonder why 'is ISIS in America

My response:
This comment is nonsensical.  The middle east has nothing to do with the shooting of Sylville Smith.

Regarding his comment: “It's not us [causing the riots]. It's the police. This is what they provoke.

My response:
Sorry kid, but it IS you.  Rioting and destroying another person’s property is YOUR choice, and you need to own up to it.  You need to take responsibilities for YOUR actions, whether justified or not.

Regarding his comment: “I don't know when [the rioting is] going to end. But it's for you all to start. We not the ones that's killing us. Y’all killing us. We can't make a change if you all don't change.

My response:
Society has been trying to help the black community for decades.  Society has “already started it”.  The help might be misguided or imperfect at times, but they are trying.  Now it’s your turn to keep up your end of the bargain (by taking school seriously, not getting involved in crime, or at the very least not causing trouble for other people).

Finally, regarding his last comment, that “we are not the ones killing us - Y'all killing us!”.

My response:
Now that is just bullsh*t.  This kid knows damn well that most black people are killed by other black people.  He deserves a slap upside the head for even making such a blatantly disingenuous comment on national television.

“White people” are not killing you, kid.  In fact, most interracial crime between blacks and whites is committed by black people against white people.  I can provide a long list of gruesome black on white murders but that would be a topic for another post (though I don’t see what good it would do posting about it here.  This blog is not a crime blog, it's a blog about behavior).

Not to mention that the officer who killed Sylville Smith was also african-american.

As the kids like to say: Nigga Please!



After listening to what these rioters have to say, I can see that they have learned nothing.  They are entirely blind to their pathologically antisocial tendencies (they see this behavior as normal and reasonable).  They have no interest in trying to forge positive relationships with police officers or white people or even between themselves.  They put the blame for the problems in their communities ENTIRELY on everyone else.  It NEVER occurs to them that perhaps they’ve played a part in their demise.  You can’t reason with people like that, and that makes everyone (both in the ghetto as well as out) suffer.

This is a village of hope - and I hope they beat whitey's ass. Gnome sayin'?