Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Philly Milly

Post-Christmas angst.

According to an article by "Good Morning America", there was an "extremely large crowd of juveniles causing a disturbance" at a mall in Philadelphia on Tuesday.

These "juveniles" (about 200 of them) went into the food court and started pelting the cops with sodas and trash.

The police were there because of a disturbance the night before (Monday night, involving 100 people), and they will be posted at the mall all week, according to the article.  Allegedly, there were similar "disturbances" at malls across the country.

Must be nice to have 2 weeks of vacation while the rest of us have to work to put food on the table.  Though if I had that much free time I don't think I'd spend it at the mall.  I might watch TV.  Wasted life you say?  Maybe, but still better than causing trouble.  At least my activities don't bother anyone (which is more than I can say for the ghetto trash running around Philly).

Gnome sayin'?

The article said the riot was organized on "Snapchat" (a social media website founded by 3 white guys).  I wonder what the rioters would have done if those 3 gringos didn't exist.  Would they have had to put an ad in the paper?  Just sayin'.

This is what happens when you aren't raised with morals.  In their push for a more secular society, the atheists forgot to fill the vacuum that christianity left.


Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas

In the spirit of the season, I've decided to post something positive on this web log.

Have a safe and merry christmas, everyone.

(christmas market in europe; most likely germany)

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Ghetto cop versus ghetto mom

The christmas season is upon us, but people are intent on ruining it.

This incident happened in Forth Worth, Texas, on the 7400 block of Rock Garden Trail, behind the Hazel Harvey Peace elementary school (located near Sycamore School Road).

According to articles by the Dallas Morning News, the Star-Telegram, and The Observers (see below), the incident is as follows:

A 7-year old black ghetto kid threw litter on the ground.  A white ghetto man scolded the kid, telling him to pick up the trash, but was 'defied' by the kid, after which the man grabbed the kid by the neck and told him to stop littering.

[I have to interject: What kind of psycho grabs a little kid like that, even if the kid is a brat? stupid man just made it worse]

The kid complained to his black ghetto mom.  Both she and the man called the police around the same time.

A police officer shows up.  Unfortunately, this happens to be a white ghetto cop, who just makes a bad situation worse.

When the black woman complains that the white man assaulted/choked her son, the white ghetto cop responds callously: "Why don't you teach your son not to litter?"

EXCUSE ME?!  WTF?!  Stupid effing cop.

[You know, I do try not to jump on the 'I hate cops' bandwagon, but police officers like the one in this story make it very difficult for people like me to try and defend cops.  Dumbass.]

The mother tells the officer that he can't prove her son littered, and that even if her son did [litter], it doesn't give that man the right to put his hands on her son.

The cop again responds callously: "Why not?"

Boy, this pig cop is a real piece of work.

The mother responds that "you [cop] don't know what I teach him; whatever you teach your kids don't mean they go by your rules when they're not in your sight".

Whatever, lady.  I'm pretty sure you have not taught your kid that littering is wrong, and I'm pretty sure you have not taught your kids to respect their elders.  Just an educated guess based on your behavior and that of your son.

ghetto mom - "don't tase me, bro!"

The mother also told the white ghetto man that "he should have alerted her if he believed her son had littered, and that he didn't have the right to put his hands on her son."

LOL.  Whatever, you fat bitch.  If the man had actually gone up to the mother and complained about her son, the mother would have just told the man to eff-off (and she probably would have called him a "stupid honky" in the process).  The reason I know this is because this happened to us once.  A little (black) kid came out of the projects and threw his tricycle at our car while we were waiting for the light to change (or it might have been a chair that he threw at our car; it was a long time ago so I don't remember exactly).  When my dad followed the kid and confronted his mom, the mom yelled back "what do you want me to do about it?"

Plus, how many times has a ghetto person ever complied whenever you ask him/her to turn down their loud music on the bus or on the commuter train?  That always ends badly - I've seen it firsthand.

Anyway, back to the story . . .

The mom yells at the cop that he is upsetting her (understandably), to which the ghetto cop responds: "If you keep yelling at me, you're going to piss me off."

Jeez what a dick - the pot calling the kettle black.  Did the Forth Worth Police Department just decide to send the lamest cop on the force?  Were all the other (good) cops on christmas vacation or something?

ghetto cop - the (other) man in blue might be the one that grabbed the kid, but I'm not sure

As the situation escalates, the ghetto mom's daughter tries to get in between the cop and her mom but the cop arrests the mom, then arrests the daughter.

All the while, the mom's other daughter (or niece, according to a different source) is recording this whole incident on video.  As the a-hole cop is dragging her mom away, the second daughter yells obscenities at the cop and tells him that she has the whole incident recorded, finally calling the cop a "bitch".  The cop responds by telling the second daughter, "OK, you're going to jail, too".

There are no winners in this incident. Only losers.  Nobody handled this situation very well, but I side with the mom on this one.  The cop should not have treated the mom like that.  The mom was probably the least ghetto person in this whole thing.  The choker and the cop were the most ghetto out of all of them.

How do the police expect people to call them when, if they do, the callers end up getting in trouble?  It's just like asking someone to turn down their ghettoblaster - the person just turns it up louder (if you're lucky) or starts a fight with you (if you're not).

Man, I hate ghetto people.  I don't care if they have a badge or not - ghetto people suck.  They just suck.  I wish they would all go away.


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Ghetto Golf

I don’t like golf.  I’ve always thought it was real snobby and snooty.  But the one good thing about that (or so I thought) is that the riff-raff is kept out.

Well, it looks like the ever-reaching ghetto tentacles have managed to infiltrate the (somewhat) exclusive world of golf.

At the Indian Creek Golf Course (a Texas Country Club) in Carrollton, Texas, one golfer hit another with a club.

Michael Plumlee, 27, of Denton, was one of four men putting on the 16th (or 17th) hole, when the group behind them hit one of their balls onto the same green, which is a breach of etiquette.

Michael Plumlee

Mr. Plumlee picked the ball up and threw it to the side.  This angered the ghetto group, and one of their members (Kevin Sivilay, 42 of Richardson), began arguing with Mr. Plumlee.

Mr. Plumlee turned around (presumably to walk away) when Sivilay suddenly swung his club at the back of Mr. Plumlee’s head, knocking him to the ground.  Sivilay then continued to beat Plumlee, hitting him on the back at least once or twice.

Sivilay tried to get away in a car but was blocked by a member of Plumlee’s group until the police showed up.  (I would also like to note that Sivilay has a prior record for car theft)

Mr. Plumlee’s skull was fractured and needed a titanium plate.  He suffered brain injury as well as some broken ribs.

Beating a man with a golf club?  There is absolutely no excuse for that kind of behavior, but these low-IQ knuckle-dragging neanderthals (such as Kevin Sivilay) still think they are living in the caveman days.  I wouldn’t be surprised if that is how he got his wife to marry him – by bopping her on the head with a club and dragging her back to his cave.

Here is a picture of the ghetto savage himself:

Kevin Sivilay

He looks like one of those Southeast Asian death squad leaders; like one of the killers from the Thammasat University massacre (the famous picture of a man hitting a lynched man with a folding chair).  It is said he (Sivilay) could face up to 20 years in prison for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.  However, in our politically-correct society, they’ll probably make excuses for this low-life scum.  This menace to society is already out on bail.

Thammasat University massacre.  I think Sivilay would be right at home here . . .

If even the richy-rich world of golf is unsafe from these ghetto barbarians, then none of us are safe anymore.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Where are BLM?

This post has nothing to do with ghetto people, but it’s closely related to other things I’ve posted about on this web log.

So for a while we’ve been hearing about police brutality directed against blacks in the U.S.

However, on the continent of Africa, whenever black African police beat or kill black African citizens, I don’t’ hear a word from BLM.  I don’t see any protests.  I don’t see any “hashtags” on twitter or other social media.  I don’t hear any lecturing from Al Sharpton, the Black Panthers, the NAACP, the Politically-Correct police, Elijah Cummings, or anyone else.

Why is that?  After all, the ones doing the brutalizing ARE police. And the ones being hurt ARE black people (and in some cases, other races).

So why is BLM so silent on this issue?  Are they under the impression that all cops are white?  Are they under the impression that only white people are capable of brutality?  Are they under the impression that black people are only killed by white people (and no one else)?

Are they really dumb enough to think all these things?  Naaah . . .  couldn’t be that.

Could it be that BLM is in vogue right now and everyone wants to be a part of it, and that they actually don’t really care about black lives?

Or could it be that brutality is more often a police issue (rather than a racial issue), which makes their movement irrelevant?

I’ve been to the country of my parents.  I got hassled by the local police for no reason.  The police were the same race as I was.  They were people of color.  Granted I didn’t get thrown in jail or killed, but I also didn’t give them a reason to.  Even at that (relatively) young age, I knew better than to get belligerent or to get into an argument with a cop, especially one from the third world.  Even if they are in the wrong (which they usually are).  Some of them are just looking for a reason to beat you.  I won’t give them that.

MY LIFE MATTERS, TOO.  All Lives Matter.

In Zimbabwe, there was a protest against that tyrant, Robert Mugabe.  Similar to those 1960’s protests, some of the protesters were holding flowers up to the police.

The police responded by going on a rampage and beating people up.  This is not an isolated incident.  This happens regularly all over Africa.  People are scared to protest (even if it’s a peaceful protest) because the (black) police will attack you, arrest you, torture you, kill you, and threaten your family.  It is not uncommon for security forces to sexually assault the women in your family if they feel you are a so-called “troublemaker”.

 Mugabe telling the U.N. and "the west" to 'stop oppressing africans' - LOL.  Guy's got some nerve!
[Please die soon, Mugabe - your people are tired of your nonsense]

So I have to ask: If it’s only a white versus black thing, then why Zimbabwe? Why South Africa? Why Sierra Leone or Liberia?  Why China?  Why Bangladesh?  Why Mexico?  Why El Salvador?  Why Syria?  Why Iraq?  Why Israel?  Why? Why? Why?  Bad cops are everywhere.  Cops of different races.  Doesn’t matter.  Sometimes, cops are just cops, with that corrupt cop mentality.  Not all cops.  But some cops.  Sometimes, it has to do with race.  But not always.

Anyway, back to the United States.

But think about it.  If you come from a community that has a reputation for getting into trouble, a cop is going to look at you more closely than someone from another community.  Not fair, but until your community changes, that’s the way it’s going to be.

Supporters of BLM are a bunch of hypocrites.

Here are some pictures of a protest in Zimbabwe.

Mugabe's goons doing what they do best . . .

Splitting headache

 Eight against One (just like ghetto troublemakers here in the States) . . .

BLM can probably ignore incidents like these for the time being, but one day they might have to acknowledge it and come out with a statement.

Although, knowing them, they'll still blame it on the whites.  They'll blame it on "colonialism", or "the white power structure" (even though Mugabe has kicked white people out of the country and stolen their farms).  But most likely they'll say that the cops in these pictures are actually white ex-apartheid police wearing costumes to make themselves look black.

Gnome sayin'?
