Thursday, June 7, 2018

Ghetto Fast Food Customers

April 08, 2018 – Staten Island, NY:

A ratchet female vandalized a fried chicken establishment (Popeye’s) because her meal didn’t come with a drink.

The meal, named the "$4 Wicked Good Deal," came with Chicken strips, a buttermilk biscuit, dipping sauce and a side.  However, the meal does not include a drink (drinks are sold separately).

When told that the meal did not come with a drink, the woman became extremely angry, but she still ordered the meal.  She then sat down and started eating it.

When finished eating, she gets up from her table and makes as if she is going to leave the restaurant.  However, she begins yelling at the employees, giving them the middle finger, sticking her tongue out at them, and doing a dance, mocking them.  Then she starts to smash the glass at the entrance.  She first uses a cardboard display sign (containing the ad for the $4 Wicked Good deal) to hit the glass door (meanwhile, another customer who is outside holding the other door open, waits for her to finish her outburst).  When the cardboard sign doesn’t work, she picks up a chair and breaks the window in one swing.  After that, she leaves the restaurant.

One employee said that the woman probably confused their offer with a similar-sounding one from the Wendy’s restaurant food chain, called the “Wendy's 4 for $4 meal”.  The employee also said the woman appeared drunk.

 Here is a video image of the culprit. The picture on the right shows her eating her food.

 Here she is making lewd gestures with her hands and crotch (best seen in the video)

 She starts to do a dance, mocking the employees

 Here she can be seen flipping off the employees (blurred out) and sticking her tongue out at them.

 She picks up a cardboard sign and proceeds to hit the door, then window (while another customer waits for her to finish)

 Since the cardboard sign is ineffective, she then picks up a chair . . .

. . . and smashes the window

So even though she was unsatisfied with the meal/deal, she still CHOSE to purchased it.  Then she takes her dissatisfaction out on the business by vandalizing the store and harassing the employees.  She should have just turned around and left the restaurant without ordering (or ordered a drink with her meal).  But that would require being a decent human being.


March 18, 2018 - Glendale, WI:

The previous month in another city, in another state, we find another unhappy fast food customer, this time at McDonalds.

In this instance the customer is given the wrong item by a McDonald’s employee. The customer had ordered a Bacon Biscuit, but received a Sausage Biscuit instead.

When she realized the error, the customer then allegedly threw the bag back into the drive-through window at the employee.  The customer then stormed into the restaurant.

The manager tried to diffuse the situation by giving the customer her money back. However, after leaving the store, the customer came back a few minutes later, barging in front of other customers and making her way to the front of the line, where she proceeded to berate the employees for not giving her her original order.

The customer then made her way behind the counter.  One teenage employee then tried to get between the angry customer and a different employee.  The customer proceeded to shove the teenage employee into the frying station and onto the ground, after which the customer fled.

Below is a picture of the suspects (the angry customer, in blue top with stripes, and her acquaintance), but they have not been identified yet.  << Although judging by the picture, I think McDonalds did her a favor by not giving her food. >>

<< Reminds me of that Chappelles show skit: “I know better than to get between a [expletive] and their pork – you get your fingers bit! >>

Because ghetto people don’t know how to solve their differences normally, it’s always a confrontation with them.

You know, that reminds me of a time when I was working the cash register at a fast food joint.  A group of 2 or 3 overweight women (with their kids in tow) began complaining to me about the menu as I was taking their order (in this case they happened to be African-american).  They were saying why an item didn’t include this or that, or that the last time they came in the menu included this or that (or something to that effect). They kept raising their voice at me, but I managed to keep my cool and answer all their questions calmly (I was trying to be professional). They finally gave up and ordered some food.  After they left, my manager (who happened to be Mexican) came up to me and told me I handled that very well and that those customers had been in the restaurant before and had pulled the same shenanigans.

Que gente mas desgraciada.

Links and text to original articles below:

'Extremely drunk' woman smashed Popeyes window when $4 deal didn't come with soda, NY cops say | Miami Herald

By Josh Magness

April 27, 2018 09:04 AM  |  Updated 6 hours 45 minutes ago

A woman smashed a window at a Popeyes in Staten Island, New York, earlier in April after workers said the $4 Wicked Good Deal didn't come with a soda, New York police say. The woman was 'extremely drunk,' a worker said, and probably confused it with a deal at Wendy's. NYPD video obtained by Pix11

Despite its name, one woman didn't seem too impressed with the "$4 Wicked Good Deal," police say. 

As seen in a video that Pix11 recently obtained from the New York Police Department, a woman shouts inside of a Popeyes before trying to break a window on April 8. She first attempts to shatter a window with a sign promoting the fast food restaurant's $4 deal.
Then she picks up a chair, the video shows, and breaks the window with one swing. 

An employee at the Popeyes said the woman was 'extremely drunk' and grew angry when she found that the deal — which comes with Wicked Chicken strips, a buttermilk biscuit, dipping sauce and a side — doesn't include a soda, according to NBC4. 

The worker, who didn't want to be identified, told the TV station that the irate woman probably confused the Popeyes deal with the Wendy's 4 for $4 meal.
She still ordered a meal after workers broke the news to her, police told the New York Daily News, but then vandalized the store as she was heading out. 

She sways back and forth, gives workers the middle finger and sticks her tongue out before starting to hammer away at the windows, the video shows. 

Police told Pix11 that the unidentified woman left in a dark-colored sedan and they want help finding her. She is probably between the ages of 18 and 25 and had on a pink bandana, jeans and a black jacket.
The Popeyes employee who witnessed it all hopes police can track her down.
"Hopefully they find her," the worker said. "I don't want her in this store."

Sometimes patrons at fast food joints just can't seem to hold in their frustration. 

One woman at a Wisconsin McDonald's pushed a teenage employee to the ground after they accidentally gave her a sausage biscuit — and not the bacon biscuit she wanted, police say. That March 18 attack was also caught on camera. 

Another assault happened in a McDonald's in Dearborn, Michigan, according to police. A worker who only wanted to be identified as Kivona said that a man shot her in the face with a paintball gun after she said the ice cream machines were down for cleaning.

Dearborn Police Lt. Gary Mann told CBS that “I’m sure she thought initially that she might die.”
“This poor victim, simply trying to work, and she certainly shouldn’t be subject to something like this,” he said. “The suspect never said anything to her. 

"You know, I just chalk this up to an overly aggressive customer who wasn’t happy with whatever he was told by the store.”

By Jared Gilmour

March 20, 2018 06:36 PM  |  Updated March 20, 2018 06:40 PM

McDonald’s drive-thru mixed up her order. She threw it back and went inside to fight, video shows

Breakfast got violent at a McDonald’s restaurant in Glendale, Wisc., on Sunday morning, surveillance video shows. 

It started when a customer received a sausage biscuit instead of the bacon biscuit she’d requested at the drive-thru around 11 a.m. on March 18, according to police.
“Instead of acting like most people would act, she lost it,” Officer Todd Lynch told WISN.

First, the angry customer — sitting in the back seat of a car — tossed the bag back into the drive-thru window at a McDonald’s employee, surveillance video shows.
“What the (expletive) is this?” the woman demanded, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. “I didn’t order no sausage biscuit.”

Holding the bag, the woman then stormed into the restaurant, video shows. The woman talked to a manager inside, who tried to smooth things over.

And for a moment, it seemed like it might have worked.

“She gives her the order, she refunds her money 100 percent and gives her apologies,” Lynch told WISN. “But apparently at this point it wasn't good enough for our suspect.”
After leaving again, the woman came back into the store just minutes later, the Journal Sentinel reports.
This time, she was looking for a fight.

The woman barged in front of other customers in line and began to yell at employees because she had still not received the bacon biscuit she requested, the newspaper reports. Then she made her way behind the counter to continue berating the employees. 

But when a 17-year-old McDonald’s worker tried to get in between the woman and another employee, the angry customer pushed the teenager, video shows — sending the teen’s head into the restaurant’s fry station, and then onto the ground.

From there, the woman fled the store and drove off, police said. Surveillance footage and stills of the suspect have been released in hopes that the public can help the Glendale Police Department identify her.

The teen victim sustained a bump on the head and was taken to the hospital, but is doing all right, police said. The customer could face felony assault charges if she’s apprehended, WISN reports

The pen is not mightier than the gun

March 2018
A gang member tried to stab a witness testifying in court in South Lake City, Utah with a pen.

Siale Angilau, 25, was a Tongan Crip Gang member (not sure if they mean he is a Crip of Tongan descent or if there is Tongang wing of the Crips gang; the Crips are an African-American gang, and Tonga is a Polynesian Island in the South Pacific).  He was on trial for assault, conspiracy, robbery and weapons offenses.

Angilau rose from his seat, grabbed his lawyer’s pen, and ran toward the witness, falling over the witness stand as the witness jumped back and away from Angilau.

 Angilau (in red circle) grabs his lawyer's pen

 Angilau then runs toward the witness sitting in the witness stand

 Angilau leaps over the witness stand in an attempt to stab the witness

 Angilau falls over (you can see his leg and foot in the air) as the witness backed away

Before Angilau could harm the witness, a U.S. marshal fired 4 shots at Angilau, killing him.

Angilau’s family tried to sue, saying that because he was only armed with a pen, being shot constituted an “excessive use of force”, but the case was dismissed.

<< “He was a good boy, he didn’t do nothing. He was a gentle giant. He was just a nice little angel brutally gunned down by the racist authorities”. Gnome Sayin’? >>


In an even more ghetto court incident, A man assaulted two women whose family member had been murdered 2 years ago (Carl Koontz, a county deputy, was shot and killed while serving a warrant).  Koontz’s mother and sister (54-year-old Jackie and 27-year-old Alice, respectively) were in court for a paternity hearing.  They were accompanied by a baby, Amelia Koontz

Bryson Small, 36, attacked the two women, knocking them the ground and hitting them several times. Both women suffered facial and head injuries.  Alice Koontz was knocked unconscious and was hospitalized.  The baby, who was in a carrier was not injured in the incident.

The news articles don’t say why Bryson Small was in the courthouse, or why he attacked the women.

<< While I may be unable to answer the former question, the latter one is easy: He’s ghetto. Or maybe he is racist (the Koontz’s are white). Or maybe both.  Either way, Small sucks (like all ghetto people do). >>

Bryson Small: It takes a small man to attack two women with a baby.

Links and text of original articles below:

Video of Crips Gangster Shot Dead in Court As He Attacks Witness With Pen

By Tom Porter On 3/13/18 at 10:36 AM

Authorities in Salt Lake city released footage on Monday from a federal courtroom that shows a U.S. marshal shooting dead a defendant as he attempted to attack a witness with a pen.

The footage from 2014 shows Tongan Crip Gang member Siale Angilau, 25, rising from a seat next to his attorney, and grabbing his lawyer’s pen.

He then dashes towards the witness and attempts to vault onto the stand, brandishing the pen.

The witness jumps back as Angilau falls over the front of the witness stand. An oficer out of shot yells "drop the pen. Drop the pen out of your hand."

The female U.S. marshal, named only as Jane Doe, then fires four shots, killing Angilau.

A judge decided to release courtroom footage of the incident after a lawsuit from Angilau’s family was dismissed.

"The video completely contradicts the plaintiffs' argument that Angilau stopped posing a danger within less than one second of launching himself over the witness stand while making a stabbing motion with a pen in his hand," said District Judge John Dowdell.

"Angilau was in custody, but he essentially had escaped custodial control for those seconds during which he was executing his plan to assault the witness," the judge wrote in a ruling obtained by Deseret News.
"His attack was stopped by the shots that Jane Doe rapidly fired, in less than one and one-half seconds."

The family had argued that Angilau was armed only with a pen, and the four shots fired constituted an excessive use of force.

The U.S. marshal who fired the shots was cleared of any wrongdoing.

Angilau was one of 17 Tongan Crip members named in a 2010 indictment accused of assault, conspiracy, robbery and weapons offenses. He was the last of the defendants to stand trial, with other gang members having received prison sentences ranging from 10 to 30 years.


Mother and sister of fallen Indiana deputy attacked at courthouse

By Nicole Darrah | Fox News
March 26, 2018

Bryson Small, left, reportedly assaulted the mother and sister of slain Howard County Deputy Carl Koontz, right.  (Howard County Jail/Harris County Sheriff's Office)

The mother and sister of an Indiana sheriff's deputy who was fatally shot in 2016 were attacked in a courthouse Monday.

Howard County Deputy Carl Koontz died two years ago after he was shot while attempting to serve a warrant in Russiaville.

His sister, Alice, 27, and their mother, 54-year-old Jackie, were in the Howard County Courthouse in Kokomo for a paternity hearing when a man identified as Bryson Small, 36, allegedly assaulted them, Fox 59 reported.

Witnesses reportedly said Small was walking toward the Koontzs when he attacked them. The women were knocked to the floor and hit several times, officials said.

Bystanders helped the women, according to WRTV, and also helped deputies stop Small.

The Koontzs both suffered facial and head injuries, and Alice was knocked unconcious. She was hospitalized to be treated for her injuries.

A baby, Amelia Koontz, was in a carrier but not injured in the incident.

Small reportedly approached the two "to answer questions about the case," but it remains unclear why he attacked the women.

He was booked at the the Howard County Jail on felony assault charges.