Friday, November 6, 2020

people of color don't care about people of color

 I was walking down the street just now minding my own business when a shiny blue car (small suv) that looked fairly new (less than 1 year old) honked at me when it had to stop to let me cross the street.

Even though I have the right of way and was already in the crosswalk before he even reached the intersection, he must have gotten mad or something.

I flipped him off and kept walking (I didn't even look at him).  He pulled up beside me and rolled down his window and shouted something (I didn't hear but it was probably an insult) so I flipped him off again.

He threw his drink at me and missed, so this time i looked him straight in the eye and flipped him off. I looked for some sort of rock to throw at him but could not find one.

He started driving off and I picked up the pace so as not to lose him before I could find a rock to throw at his car, but he was already too far.

I walked into the street and flipped him off one more time. He must have seen me in his mirror because he stick his arm out and flipped me off.

He was either hispanic or samoan (I didn't get a good look at him, but I saw him well enough to see he was a person of color), with black facial hair. He looked like like a rioter (the kind you see in Portland or Seattle, marching with #BlackLivesMatter or antifa). Definitely a liberal/leftist.

I myself am a person of color (hispanic), so I guess my life doesn't matter.  So when you hear someone saying that they care about "people of color" or "marginalized peoples" or "minorities" - don't believe them. Because if I had been assaulted by this fugly clown in the blue car, those same people would have cheered him on.

I was walking in a relatively nice area (not fancy, but decent), and still I have to encounter ghetto people. GHETTO PEOPLE SUCK.


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