Thursday, September 17, 2015

Trayvon Martin and Sanford, FL (or really, California)

Trayvon Martin had been on suspension from school the day he died.  Apparently, drug residue had been found on his person.  Also, allegedly, he had been suspended before.

It was unclear why he wasn't at home.  One news story claims he was walking to his father's neighborhood in order to stay with him and to 'stay out of trouble'.  Not sure why his father didn't just pick him up after work or whatever.

Unfortunately for him, he walked through the wrong neighborhood. He was shot to death by a local resident named George Zimmerman (a half-white, half-hispanic male).

Versions are fuzzy and contradictory. Zimmerman claims Martin attacked him so he shot Martin in self defense; Martin's family claims Zimmerman attacked Martin and shot him in cold blood as he (Martin) tried to run away.

Whether Trayvon Martin was actually a criminal or not is irrelevant to this point.  We have recorded audio footage wherein the police specifically tell George Zimmerman NOT to get involved or approach Martin.  They told Zimmerman that they (the police) would handle it.  Zimmerman didn't listen, got into a scuffle with Martin, and now Martin is dead.

This whole incidence, in my opinion, was a misuse of the so-called "stand your ground" law.  That law was meant to protect you if your life happened to be in danger. It was not meant for you to go looking for trouble, getting in over your head, and then claiming "self-defense".

If Martin had not been suspended he might still be alive. If Martin hadn't been involved in drugs he might have not been suspended in the first place.  If Zimmerman had just kept his fat ass away and listened to the 911 dispatcher Martin might still be alive.  And, assuming Zimmerman was telling the truth (we'll never know), Martin might still be alive had he not attacked Zimmerman.  There are lots of 'ifs' in this tragedy.

Predictably there were nationwide protests.

Even though the Trayvon Martin killing occurred in Florida, that did not stop residents all the way on the other side of the country in California from rioting.

Thankfully, these demonstrations were tame compared to those that occurred in Ferguson, MO and Baltimore MD for Michael Brown and Freddie Gray (respectively).

As if traffic wasn't bad enough in San Francisco - now you got some fat bitch 'sieg heiling' in front of your car, while a "creepy azz cracka" with a camera is trying to look inside your window.

A disgrace to punk rockers everywhere: A Crass fan trips and falls over his own Doc Martens in Los Angeles.

BART (bay area rapid transit) police car smashed in Oakland. The rioters "protesters" must have confused Trayvon Martin with Oscar Grant.  These people be racist and shit acting like all black people look alike - gnome sayin'?  Sheeeit.


Not sure what the empty storefront did to deserve such a blatant act of vandalism. Or maybe he's part of Oaktown's Glazier's Union Local 169 out to create more jobs - but I doubt it.

Dogwood Restaurant in Oakland.  It's an uphill battle trying to bring some class and cash into this perpetually ghetto town. Gnome sayin'?

Is it just me, or is that a creepy-ass haircut?

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