Friday, February 19, 2016

Amber in the Rough

I have not been working on this web log for very long, so it's probably premature of me to say so, but this story has got to be one of the most base displays of ghetto behavior I have come across.

In June 2015, two caucasian women got into it at a Walmart (big surprise there - not) in Beech Grove, Indiana.  But what made it worse is that one of these ghetto trash queens encouraged her son to get into the fray.  Not that that is atypical of course.  But that is what actually got her into trouble with law (more than the fighting, it was for engaging her child in the brawl).

According to the news article:

"Amber Stephenson, 34, Indianapolis, was charged Friday with neglect of a dependent and contributing to the delinquency of a minor."

 "Responding officers located the two women in the store's health and beauty section. Court documents state the altercation had just ended when police arrived, and both women, later identified as Stephenson and Rebecca Mills, were suffering minor injuries."

Apparently Ms. Mills was berating a Walmart employee for leaving a cart full of merchandise in the isles; the employee was using the cart to restock the shelves, and Mills was in one of those "Lark"-type mobility scooters for disabled people.

Ms. Stephenson overheard the exchange between Mills and the employee, and told Mills "You must really hate your life".

Stephenson leaves with her son but then returns to taunt Mills some more.  Both women begin to verbally abuse each other, which escalates into a fist fight and wrestling match.  Both get their kicks in, but Stephenson is able to temporarily subdue Mills, at which time she orders her son to punch Mills in the face ("punch her in her fucking face" were her words).

Mills (front) is insulted by Stephenson (back)

Challenge Accepted!! Mills gets up from her 'Lark'

Brawl ensues between the two savages

Where's the mud or Jello?

You can see Stephenson's child in the background (Yellow T-shirt)


As you can see, Mills doesn't even need to ride a scooter. She is in perfect health, as can be seen by the way she gets up and charges towards Stephenson.  She's just too lazy to move her fat ass and walk.

{I would like to take this opportunity to add that whenever you see an able-bodied person riding one of those scooters (intended for old and disabled people), that is an obvious and tell-tale sign of a ghetto person or ghetto establishment, and you should leave immediately!}

Though not in the written article, you can see the following information in the video taken by a bystander and posted on the internet:

The kid (Stephenson Jr.), who is wearing a fluorescent yellow batman t-shirt and shorts, at one point yells at Mills: “I’m gonna beat you! I don’t care about you!

One of the bystanders (a woman) tells the brat kid to stop hitting Mills; (the bystander yells ‘hey, hey stop it’ to the kid as he is about to hit Mills in the face with a bottle of shampoo).  The spawn kid yells back at her “I’m not playing -  you can’t tell me to stop!

The demon child kid then proceeds to kick Mills in the head (while Mills is being held down on the floor by his mom, Stephenson).

The same bystander again yells “Hey don’t hit!” to the kid.  The kid stops and looks up from hitting Mills, then aggressively approaches the bystander and shouts at her: “why are you even telling me what to do!

The young assailant takes a respite from his onslaught . . .

. . . and proceeds to verbally abuse his elders

At this point, another female bystander (a ghetto sympathizer) tells the boy “that’s ok. You’re right. Go protect your mom”.

WTF?!  Am I the only one who thinks this is crazy and entirely inappropriate?  That second bystander ought to be slapped in the face for that.

 According to the article, Stephenson did a radio interview a few days later and said: "I mean he's a little crazy kid ...he's one I don't ever have to worry about being bullied in high school."

Well yeah retard, because he's the one that's going to be doing the bullying! DUH!

That's what sucks so bad about ghetto people - they don't die out; they just perpetuate themselves and continue to infest the world with their vile ways.

Proud Mama Amber Stephenson  Aight!!

No - Nguyen Situation

Daytona Florida resident (and dictator look-a-like) Stan Nguyen

In July 2012 on a hot summer day, According to the "Daily News" (yes I know it sounds like a fake newspaper) Stan Nguyen called con repair-man Sean Hickman to fix his air conditioning unit.

According to the story, Hick-Man said he tested the unit and it gave off sparks, after which he told Nguyen it would need to be replaced.  Nguyen concluded that Hickman damaged the unit.  What further set Nguyen off was that Hicky-man handed Nguyen a bill for $109, so an angry Nguyen pulled a gun on Hickman (and threatened to shoot Hickman if he tried to leave).

Stan Nguyen told his son Stephen to call the police, so the younger Nguyen called 911, claiming that Hickman had "fried" the air conditioner and wouldn't leave.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  Ghetto trash begets even more ghetto trash.

Apparently while 'tough-guy Stan Nguyen' was fiddling with the safety on the pistol, the 'repair' man ran for cover.

Now, whether or not the repairman did shoddy work or not is irrelevant. You don't pull a gun on somebody and threaten their life just because you don't like the work they did (unless you're a psycho).  Lord knows what Nguyen would have done had Hickman shown up outside the 4-hour window!

Although, to Nguyen's credit, he was arrested "without incident" (I'm assuming that means he didn't get belligerent with the cops or try to run away). Which is probably why he was still alive afterwards.  I think it might have been cheaper to get a new unit than to post $5000 bail. Just sayin'.

Oscar Grant and Oakland, CA

Oscar Grant was an african-american male who was killed by a train (BART) police officer Johannes Mehserle.  This tragedy was truly unnecessary.  How can you possibly confuse a taser with a gun?!  Miserly Mehserle is either a terrible liar or a god damn idiot.  Still, by allegedly resisting arrest, Grant just made a bad situation worse.

Of course, rather than creating sympathy for the victim, the protesters decided to create an embarrassment instead.  As predicted, the ghetto contingent (who are responsible for way more african-american deaths than the police) made asses of themselves (again).  As if Oakland doesn't have enough problems already.

Dance to music.  This dummy doesn't seem to be too upset with Grant's death.

I guess it wasn't a 'Spare The Air' day in California

This woman apparently was trying to prevent looting of the store.  Sadly, there weren't enough people like her.

And they're off!  Check out the freaky-looking dude with the Grant mask.

I still don't see how Foot Locker had anything to do with Grant's death.

I can't tell if this guy is running in or out of the store.  Or maybe he's doing the running man . . .

I think this bitch could have used a new pair of jeans rather than shoes. Gnome sayin'?

Loot Your Way at Sears.

Guess she got tired of military attire and opted for black tie instead. She's already got the slacks, now all she's missing is the tux coat.

All this rioting is making me hungry.  Sushi anyone? The saki is on me.  (Looks like this guy got the tux coat.)

Abercrombie and Fitch model getting arrested

"Officer there's been some mistake - I don't belong with these people!"

Check mate or winning lottery check?.  And what is up with the red converse and bowtie?  Try looting something more causal next time!