Thursday, April 14, 2016

Seattle Battle

In November of 2010, five ‘teenage girls’ (read: ratchet females) stole an mp3 player from a pregnant girl on a metro bus in Seattle, WA.  The pregnant girl and her boyfriend were coming home from a medical appointment.

The victim, 17-year-old Jessica Redmon-Beckstead, and her boyfriend, 19-year old Jason DeCoste, were riding on the bus during the evening rush hour, minding their own business when the assailants got on board and assaulted them.

The first assailant snatched Beckstead’s mp3 player and slyly handed it off to a second assailant.  As Beckstead got up demanding it back, the second assailant went around behind her and stole her seat.

As Beckstead argued with the first assailant, a third assailant stepped in and started arguing with Beckstead.  Beckstead eventually sees her mp3 player and tries to retrieve it from the second assailant when suddenly all 3 assailants start punching her.  Her boyfriend steps in and tries to protect her.

One of the assailants starts arguing with the boyfriend, falsely accusing him of stealing her cell phone.  During this distraction, another assailant gets up on the seat behind him and starts kicking him in the head/neck repeatedly.  Beckstead at one point tries to defend her boyfriend, and the assailants gang up on her again, raining blows on her.  The boyfriend again puts himself between Beckstead and her assailants in order to protect her, after which one can see all 5 assailants hitting Beckstead and her boyfriend.

While the boyfriend is distracted, you can see one of the assailants reaching into his pocket and stealing a packet of cigarettes.

All 5 suspects were eventually apprehended; they included 1 adult (age 19) and 4 juveniles (ages 15, 16, 16, and 17):

Ayana Sharee Cain (19 years old)
Sindy Truong (assailant #1)
Decontee Wea (assailant #2)
Sha'raun Hill (assailant #3)
Nyajouk Reath (assailant #4?)

The adult was charged with assault.  The other four were charged with second degree robbery.  All 5 suspects have prior arrests.  At least 1 of the juveniles has a history of robbery, and at least 2 of the juveniles have a history of assault.

Beckstead was 3 months pregnant at the time. Even though her boyfriend told the savages attackers that she was pregnant, they responded by saying they 'didn’t hit her in the stomach' and wanted to hit her in the face.

Sadly, nobody on the bus helped the victims.

It’s truly a sick society we live in.  We aren’t even safe riding home on a crowded bus, even if one is pregnant.  As time goes on, there are less and less safe places to live.  Nasty ghetto people are spreading like cancer.

[Gibsmedat]: Assailant #1 (Truong; in blue/red jacket) snatches mp3 player; you can see assailant #2’s cornrow head in the bottom left corner.

 Beckstead gets up from her chair asking for her mp3 player back.

 Assailant #2 (Wea; red circle) gets up from her seat and takes Beckstead’s seat

[There are only 2 places where you would TAKE AWAY a pregnant woman’s seat: Bizarro World and the ghetto world.  Gnome sayin’?]

Beckstead (middle) tries to get her mp3 player and headphones back from Wea (red circle)

Truong (left) and Wea (right) start punching Beckstead (middle)


Boyfriend (DeCoste; green circle) gets attacked. (Hill [with yellow strap] and Wea can be seen on the right)

Truong (left) and Hill (right) surround DeCoste (middle), while Hill falsely accuses him of stealing her phone

 [Kung-Fu fighting]: Wea (far right) stands on the seat and kicks DeCoste in the head and neck as Truong (left) and Hill (right) look on.

 Wea (red circle, top right) can be seen standing on the seat preparing to hit DeCosta again.  You can see a fourth assailant (possibly Nyajouk Reath) just below (bottom right corner), laughing.

 Five against two -  real tough (NOT).

Hall of Shame:

 Sindy Truong

 Sha'raun Hill

 Ayana Sharee Cain

Couldn’t find any pictures of Decontee Wea or Nyajouk Reath. But I’m sure if you look up ratchet in the dictionary you’ll see a picture of them.


Court hearings/transcripts:

Video of the attack:

News Article:

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