Thursday, November 3, 2016

Alfred Olango and El Cajon, CA.

Looks like another police shooting, this time in Killafornia (California).

The initial protest was for the most part peaceful.  I was very glad to hear that.  I thought to myself “cool, I don’t’ have to blog about this one.”

But that didn’t last very long.  The riff raff decided to screw this one up, too.  Still, it wasn’t as bad as the last one I blogged about in Milwaukee, WI.  Thank god.

Power to the sheeple.  I guess the guy on the left did not get the memo about slavery being over.  He needs to join the 21st 20th century . . .

Background:  A 38-year old African man (he immigrated to the U.S. from Uganda in 1991 when he was 12 years old), Alfred Olango, was shot and killed by police in a strip mall in the City of El Cajon, CA.

Police had received a call earlier from Olango’s family saying he was wandering the town, walking in traffic, and they were concerned for his safety.

When the police found him, Olango was acting erratically, allegedly had his hands in his pockets, and refused to show his hands to police when requested to.  Olango then pulled out an object (a “vape smoking device”), grasped it with both hands, assumed a ‘pointing stance’, and aimed the object at the police.

This device, if you’ve seen one, can reasonably be mistaken for a small gun.  It is a metal cylinder (about the size of a gun barrel) attached to a slim rectangular box.

So, if someone were to point that at me, I would assume he’s trying to kill me.  Now, why would I let someone try to kill me?  The police, understandably, shot him.

A witness (Michael Rodriguez) claimed that Olango had his hands up when he was shot; however, a different witness claimed otherwise.  At the time I wrote this post, police had not released the full video of the incident.  So we didn’t know the whole story.  We did however have a screenshot of the video, and Olango has clearly assumed a shooting stance with police officers.

Here is a picture of one of the witnesses describing Olango's stance against police:

Here are a couple of pictures of el tatuado Michael Rodriguez, the person who claims Olango had his hands up:

And here is the picture still of a video that was taken

People are demanding that the whole video be released (understandably), but based solely on this picture, it's obvious that Olango did NOT have his hands up, but had assumed a shooting stance.

So, from the little evidence I’ve seen, it appears to me that Olango wanted to get shot by police.  I'm not sure if he was suicidal (his family claims he was depressed over the loss of one of his friends), or if maybe he thought he would only be injured by the cops.  If he did in fact want to "commit suicide by police shooting", that would be very disturbing indeed, not only because you value your life so little, but your actions end up demonizing police officers who were just doing their job.  But I guess we'll never know.

Alfred Olango

According to an article by the San Diego Tribune, “Protesters, community leaders and his family say the shooting was unwarranted and have demanded police release video of the shooting.”

I just have to ask: How the hell do those protesters and community 'leaders' know whether or not the shooting was unwarranted?  Where they there at the time it happened?  Do they know all of the details?  If not, then they should shut the hell up.  Just sayin’.

However, initially, I did have the exact same question that Olango’s mother had: Why didn’t they just shoot him in the leg?  It turns out the police who shot him was the one with the device aimed at him.

My theory (I don't know if it's correct) is that: if that police officer had lowered his aim to go for the leg instead, it is very possible he would could have been shot in the head (had Olango been holding an actual gun).  When you are in a situation like that, you have to act fast.  It’s easy for us to speculate sitting safely behind our computers what “could have been done”, but most of us have no idea what it’s like to be a police officer or in a similar dangerous situation, and I’m not going to pretend to.

I feel bad for Olango’s family; his sister said she called the police to help her brother but they ended up taking his life instead.  All true, and it’s a horrible tragedy, but I must reiterate: Nobody forced Olango to walk in and out of traffic on the streets.  Nobody forced Alfred Olango to get into trouble with the cops.  He did these things of his own free will.

According to the news articles I read (see sources below), Olango had a criminal record and had served time in prison.  Convictions included:
- Car theft
- Burglary
- Possession of drugs (marijuana, ecstasy)
- Selling drugs (cocaine)
- Drunk driving
- Illegal possession of a semi-automatic handgun

If these news articles are accurate, then it’s clear that Olango was no saint.

He came from a failed, 3rd world country to a politically and (relatively) economically stable nation, but didn’t take better advantage of the opportunity.  I’m sure there are other Ugandans who would love to come here and make something of themselves but can’t.  It really is a shame.

I do have one question for the BLM protesters:  Why is it OK for Ugandan police and security forces to beat up and kill black citizens, but not American police?  The result is the same: dead black people.  But I don’t see BLM protesting police abuse against blacks in Africa (Congo, Sierra Leone, Liberia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Ivory Coast, Sudan – it happens everywhere).  I guess it doesn’t fit into their narrative that only white cops abuse and kill blacks.  Bunch of hypocrites.

A candlelight vigil would probably be derided as "gay-ass sh*t" in the hood if somebody else did it, but for some reason BLM people get a pass.  Tell me I'm lying.

Lieutenant Ripley from Alien 3 looks out for signs of xenomorphs . . .

(Just kidding. That is actually a picture of the protesters in El Cajon)

I’ve actually been to the third world, and I would rather deal with American cops than third world cops (even though those third world cops are the same race as me; I might write more on that later).  Perhaps police brutality is more of a police mentality issue than a racial issue.  I’m just saying.

 More white people are killed by cops than black people.  While liberals may claim that it's only because there are a greater number of whites in the population, the argument against that is that most crime is committed by blacks and hispanics.  So it follows that most interactions with the police will be with people of color, and if you take this truth to it's logical conclusion, most police killings would involve blacks and hispanics.  But oddly it isn't so.  It doesn't make sense that more whites are killed by cops, but it happens.  But most liberals are too stupid to see this.

Latino gangs making us scared proud. Gnome sayin'?

All life is valuable, regardless of your color.  But all of us also have a responsibility to behave properly in society.  If you decide to cause trouble or get into a fracas with an officer, god help you.

Lastly, a Trump supporter with a “Make America Great Again” hat showed up at the protest, and was attacked by protesters.  Some other protesters came to his aid, which enabled him to get away.  The police arrived a few moments later and dispersed the crowd.

I may not agree with trump supporters, but I believe they have a right to air their views without being threatened.  I believe in freedom of speech.  Unfortunately, these BLM clowns do not.  They should move to China if they hate free speech (and deal with those cops if they really want to see brutality).

And . . .here we go (again):

I would love to see these 'protesters' try this sort of nonsense with cops in Uganda or Zimbabwe . . .

Mr. Pillsbury Doughboy (circled in red) decided to throw a bottle into the crowd.  He wasn't even aiming at anyone.  He is definitely the ghetto's most prestigious ambassador I'm sure of it.

The loudmouthed beeyatch in the #2 shirt talked a big game . . .

. . . Then proceeded to back away slowly when he heard some noise down the street

A Sammy Hagar wanna-be in a shark hawaiian shirt and bermuda shorts was annoying the cops by shining a bright light from his video camera into their faces.  A mosquito like him would have gotten squished by the cops in Russia.

If these are the ones in charge of the revolution, then we're in trouble

Here's another pendejo who talked a big game.  This guy was berating the cops, yelling "Pigs! Be scared! You’re all in riot gear because you’re all fu*king cowards!"  Yeah, because a couple dozen cops against hundreds of protesters is a fair fight. (Dumbass)

After he called the cops cowards, a woman (below) nearby exclaimed to the police, “No, you guys aren’t [cowards]. You guys are doing your jobs."  Finally, a voice of reason.

The A-Hole protesters decided to block traffic on the highway and inconvenience everybody.  Must be nice to have so much time on your hands and nothing else to do.

 Raise the roof  Throw your hands in the air

 Looks like someone just got out of bed.  Nice fuzzy slippers, gurl.

If she had put her fist like that in a Congolese cop's face (or Chinese cop's face), they probably would have cut her hand off.  But this is what happens when you're raised with a sense of entitlement.

But only when killed by a cop

Abercrombie and Fitch Indian T-shirt (wrong on more than one level).  Really, dawg?

I agree with this sentiment.  HOWEVER, I would ask the same from inner city youth (particularly black and hispanic men).  No seas hypocrita, tarada.

A fire and brimstone preacher spewing vitriol against the racist po-leece.  He looks like he might have some caucasian in him.  Those are usually the ones who yell the loudest (maybe they feel a sense of guilt being only half-black, or something).  There, I said it.

Last, and certainly not least:

The guy in the center of the picture (black T-shirt) was not able to get through the intersection because the protesters were blocking the street.  When he got out of his car to complain and ask them to move, some bitch protester (on the left of the screen, with the red frizzy hair) told him that “yes he can [move]” because it was a “square intersection”.

However, she didn’t just tell him that, she told him using her megaphone, right in his face (as you can see in the picture, she was only about 1 foot away from him, so she could have just told him using her own mouth.)

Naturally, this made the driver upset, and he grabbed the bitch’s megaphone.  LOL that was great! (Especially because she wasn't expecting it, neither were any of the other losers protesters).  The rest of the protesters tried to keep them apart so they would not start fighting.

This guy definitely gets my props.  I’m glad he didn’t put up with that crap from the protester.

That beeyatch in the red frizzy hair should have gotten smacked.  If she had been a guy she would have.


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