Thursday, November 10, 2016

2016 Presidential Election fallout

Looks like some Hillary Clinton supporters decided to get violent after the election results.

Particularly in California: up and down the coast from San Diego to the Bay area, butthurt losers disenfranchised voters decided to air their grievances by vandalizing their towns exercising their right to assemble.

I hate Trump, but still. He won the election, so we have to accept it (even though we may not like it).  After all, when Obama became president, the republicans didn’t riot (and some of those idiots actually believed Obama was going to turn the United States into a communist/socialist muslim caliphate, or some such nonsense).

Stupid democrats; acting just like spoiled children who don’t get their way.  Typical ghetto trash.

Here we go . . .

Protesters in Los Angeles, CA.  looks like a collection of hipsters, metalheads, yuppies, thugs, psychos, waifish alternative/indie fans, and a conscript.

 On the Hollywood walk of fame, Trump's star was vandalized.  That doesn't surprise me.  The kicker is that the vandal wants to sue Trump.  Really?  Is this Bizarro world we are living in?  Will rapists now sue the person they raped?

James Otis Lambert is suing the L.A. Chamber of Commerce and Donald Trump.  Lambert says "it's painful to watch the 'circus-like atmosphere' surrounding the star".  He says the star is a "symbol of his [Trump's] life; a life of abusing women".

Lambert claims he's doing it to save the city money because the city has to continually repair it from vandals.  OMG what sort of ass-backwards logic is this?  He's nothing but a big pussy who wants his 15 minutes of fame.  Maybe Trump should grab him.

The San Jose Mercury news also reported that a homeless woman who was trying to keep the star from being vandalized was knocked to the ground by an anti-Trump person.  Way to go, liberals.  Your compassion is an inspiration to us all.

Protesters in Oakland.  This has probably been the safest time to walk down 14th and Broadway at this time of night.  Gnome sayin'?

 Go Giants. Go Bears.  Go J-Lo dress

ghetto trash. Literally.

These protesters do realize that it's very likely a Clinton supporter (city employee) who is going to have to pick this mess up, right?

See here's what I don't get.  These protesters probably hate the police, yet they do everything in their power to attract police attention to make them show up.

Here are protesters from the University of California Santa Barbara (protesting in Goleta, probably near the Isla Vista area).

To the pendejo with the mexican flag: The latinos in Mexico are racist against the indigenous mexicans.  Not to mention that many mexicans are very racist against central americans.  So put that stupid flag away Ese.  You're the pot calling the kettle black.

And last but not least, some protesters in Portland, Oregon burning the flag.

I'm all for freedom of speech (which includes burning the flag) but I personally would not do this - it's just crass.  I'm sure there are better ways to protest.  These idiots just end up looking like a bunch of jihadists.

And for any of you who think it should be outlawed: F*%K YOU, too.



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