Thursday, December 21, 2017

Mouse Trap

December 19, 2017:
 Another ghetto altercation this holiday season; this time it happened at a Chuck E. Cheese establishment in Indiana.

For whatever reason two female adults got into a brawl and started hitting each other and pulling each other's hair. (Never touch a black woman's hair! Aight!)

Two other women, one in a light pink top and another in a black top (green arrows) were trying to stop the fight.  There was a third woman in a black top that was trying to pull one of the brawlers away.

After almost a minute they were finally able to pull them apart.

The two brawlers (red arrows, below) then started arguing with two of the women who stopped the fight.

This seems to be a thing with the Chuck E. Cheese chain. Last year in October there was a fight in a Miami Chuck E. Cheese between what appeared to be two hispanic women; the fight then spread to encompass what looked like all of the patrons (hispanic and white)

Two women (with "ombre" hair coloring):

Bad Ombre's

After perhaps 20 seconds, the whole restaurant (figuratively, but in the video it looks like literally) got into it:

The original Chuck E. Cheese mascot was classier (as were the restaurants; at least as much as a kid's pizza joint could be). He had a bowler hat, vest and bow tie:

Here is the modern Mascot:

Just a couple of things are amiss. The baseball cap needs to be sideways (or at least backwards), and the pants need to be sagging and showing some underwear. Gnome Sayin'?

Indiana Melee:

Miami Melee:

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