Thursday, March 1, 2018

College Squatter

A 32-year old began attending college 2 years ago (in 2016) only to drop out of her classes shortly after moving into the dormitory.  Unfortunately, the ghetto welfare queen "student" refused to also drop out of her dorm room.

In essence, Lisa Palmer (pictured below) is no longer a matriculated student at Hunter College in New York, but she lives there for free (and has been for the past two years) and refuses to move out.

[Author's note: I don't know if this is a real story or not, since it comes from Fox News. Also, the article states that Palmer owes $94,000, however the article also states the yearly dorm fees are $6,000 per year; that means 2 years would only be $12,000 that she owes.

If this story is true however, it appears to me that she never had any intention of getting a college degree. She probably only enrolled in order to get into the dorms.]

Lisa Palmer

<<< When asked why she refuses to move out and pay the $94,000 she currently owes, she responded, "muh reparations". >>>

Also according to the article, Hunter College is trying to evict 9 nurses (one who is 67 years old).  If Lisa Palmer thinks dorm life is "really lonely for someone my age", the geriatric ghetto nurse must be feeling REALLY lonely. Gnome sayin'?

Link and original article below:

College files eviction lawsuit after dropout refuses to leave dorm room

By Caleb Parke | Fox News  |  March 1, 2018

A 32-year-old former student has refused to move out of her dorm for two years since dropping out, prompting legal action from a New York college.

In 2016, Lisa S. Palmer enrolled at Hunter College to pursue a geography major but dropped out of classes shortly after she moved into the dorm.

Two years later, the Delaware native who now works at an architecture firm has racked up $94,000 in living expenses for refusing to vacate Hunter College’s premises, despite receiving numerous notices from the school informing her of the eviction, according to a lawsuit filed by the school.

Last year the school’s attorney failed to evict Palmer with a notice that read: “Thirty day notice of termination. You are required to vacate and surrender the premises on or before October 31, 2017, at 12 pm.”

Palmer refused to move and continues to squat in the dorm to this day.

“I plan on fighting the lawsuit and while I fight it, I’m going to stay,” Palmer told the New York Post, but she added that dorm life is “really lonely” for someone her age.

According to Hunter College’s website, residence fees for the Brookdale Residence Hall are $6,000 per school year for a single room, which are only offered to full-time students who maintain a minimum grade point average and keep up with their room and board fees.

Palmer is reportedly one of ten people the school is currently trying to evict, including nine nurses – one 67-years-old – who were given rooms in various wings when it was owned by Bellevue Hospital.

Caleb Parke is an associate editor for You can follow him on Twitter @calebparke

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