Friday, March 30, 2018

Robin Hood and Little John visit Dillards

March 23, 2018
Lexington, Kentucky

A couple of shoplifters at a Dillard’s store in Fayette mall were almost stopped by a member of the store’s loss prevention unit (i.e. security guard).  Unfortunately their double-teaming against the guard enabled them to get away.

<<If they would only put that energy, initiative, and ‘street smarts’ to good use.  But alas, when the urge known as ‘gibs’ strikes, paying retail just won’t do.  The only way to satisfy that urge is to pilfer.>>

It started when the security camera caught the two thieves putting clothes in a shopping bag and then hiding the shopping bag in a clothes rack.

When they got ready to leave, they retrieved the bag and made their way to the exit.  The security guard stopped them and took the bag away, but one of the thieves (the thinner of the two) attacked the guard without warning, grabbing him by the collar and kicking him in the head/face, as her accomplice (the more corpulent one) looked on.

 Security guard (green arrow) attempts to take bag away from the two thieves (red circle)

 Security guard succeeds in recovering the stolen goods.

 First thief suckerpunches/suckerkicks the security guard

The thinner thief (in the beige top), being the more violent of the two, continued to attack the guard, punching and kicking him.  He managed to subdue her somewhat while the fat one (in the black/grey top) looked on.

While the guard was distracted with former, the latter grabbed the bag and tried to exit, but the guard prevented her from opening the door.  He was able to do this twice while fighting off the first thief.  On the third try, the first thief was able to pull the guard away from the door just long enough to give the second thief the opportunity she needed to make off like a bandit with the purloined goods.  The stolen clothes amounted to over $1000 dollars.

 Security guard holds the door closed with his hand (green arrow), preventing the second thief (red circle) from escaping the store.

 The security guards stops the thief again. You can see the first thief's arm (red arrow) grabbing the security guard from behind, trying to pry him away from the door.

On her third try, the thief with the bag manages to get through the door and get away because her accomplice manages to pull the guard backwards and away from the door.

Kudos to the security guard. Most people would have just given up.  Even though they got away I’m sure they’ll think twice about robbing that store again.

This is not the first time Fayette mall has been targeted by crooks.  In June of 2016, a jewelry store was relieved of 177 rings totaling approximately $13,000.  The culprits consisted of another dynamic duo (a man and woman, pictured below).

<<Reminds me of that scene in the movie “Unbreakable” where they show a white lady stealing jewelry from the glass case while the employee isn’t looking.  Except not.  LOL.>>

Link and text to articles below:


Department store security spotted 2 women taking clothes. Then it got ugly, Lexington video shows


March 26, 2018 12:56 PM
Updated March 26, 2018 12:56 PM

Video has been released by Lexington police of a physical altercation between two alleged shoplifters and loss prevention personnel at Dillard’s in Fayette Mall.

On a Friday night in January, loss prevention personnel noticed two females placing unpaid merchandise into a large Dillard’s shopping bag and hiding it inside a clothing rack. They concealed more than $1,000 of merchandise in an hour and security attempted to stop them as they were leaving, police said.

The guard was kicked, shoved and ganged up on as he attempted to keep the bag of clothing in the store. At one point, the video shows, he unsuccessfully tried to trap the bag and one of the women in the store by blocking the glass doors with his hands.

The suspects escaped that night, Jan. 5, and Bluegrass Crime Stoppers is offering a $1,000 cash reward for information that could lead to their arrests. Anyone with information can call Bluegrass Crime Stoppers at 859-253-2020.

Read more here:

Mike Stunson: 859-231-1324, @mike_stunson


Surveillance photos released of suspects in Lexington jewelry store theft

By WKYT News Staff  |  Posted: Mon 10:22 PM, Jun 06, 2016  |  Updated: Wed 12:43 PM, Jun 08, 2016

LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) - Lexington Police are trying to figure out how thousands of dollars worth of rings were stolen from a jewelry store at the Fayette Mall.

Police say the theft happened Sunday afternoon at the Pandora store.

Police tell WKYT that a man wearing a NY Yankees ball cap and a light blue Southern University Jaguars shirt entered the store at 3:15 p.m.. After lingering in the store for a while, police say took a key that was left in one of the jewelry cases near the front of the store. The man then exited the store.
A few minutes later, he returned to the store with a woman wearing a white tank top with "Pink" written on it. This time the man was carrying a large "Express" bag. Police say the woman blocked the view of the Pandora employees while the man checked out the case. At 3:48 p.m., the man removed a sleeve of rings and put them inside the shopping bag.

The man didn't leave the store. Police say he stayed in the store for nearly another 15 minutes while attempting to use the key to open other cases. He and his female accomplice left the store at 4:04 p.m.
A few minutes later, police say Pandora employees noticed a tray of rings was missing from a display case.

Police say in all 177 rings were taken. All of the rings were size 4.5 and have the initials ALE within the band of the ring. The rings were worth about $13,000.

Pandora is offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to an arrest in this case.Station Contact Info:

2851 Winchester Rd.
Lexington, Ky 40509
859-299-0411 - switchboard
859-299-2727 - newsroom

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Thursday, March 29, 2018

Bat in the Belfry

March 22, 2018
Broward County, Florida

Two psychotic women driving together (in separate cars) viciously attacked another woman driver in a road rage incident for a perceived slight or “dis” (disrespect) toward one of them.

Mikaela Barboza, a 26-year-old mother from Plantation, Florida, had cut off one of the drivers on highway U.S. 441.  One of the drivers then yelled at her saying “you cut my sister off, that’s disrespectful.”  The drivers then began following her and yelling derogatory remarks.

Ms. Barboza drove to shopping center parking lot hoping to lose the two barbarians, but they found her.  The two barbarians then blocked her in and confronted her.

<<when you have nothing to do and nowhere to go, there is plenty of time to start trouble; hence the phrase, “idle hands are the devil’s workshop”>>

One of the drivers exited her car with a baseball bat and proceeded to make her way to Ms. Barboza.

As the driver approached, Ms. Barboza exclaimed “The police are on their way.  I don’t got time for this. I got a kid, bruh. Go ahead, hit me with a bat.”

The driver curses at her, says she doesn’t care and that the other driver was her sister, and proceeds to hit her in the head.  Miraculously, Ms. Barboza manages to get the bat away from the savage, and both of them fall to the ground wrestling.  Unfortunately the other savage picks up the bat and continues to hit Ms. Barboza in the back as she fights with her sister.  A bystander eventually intervenes and takes the bat away from the other savage.

One of the savages then yells to the victim: “You’re very disrespectful. You don’t talk about black people. Period.”

<<So clearly, this was a racially motivated attack, and would be considered a hate crime by SJW logic.  However you won’t hear any PC leftist loony or SJW talk about this, neither will the mainstream media cover this in the way they would have had the races been reversed.  On the other hand, we won’t have to worry about Black Lives Matter buffoons rioting and looting, since the victim was white.  We won’t hear from feminists either (even the white ones, which is most of the feminists). #Losers

I personally don’t believe in categorizing these things separately. A crime is a crime no matter who does it and no matter who the victim is, but political-correctness is the order of the day now.>>

The two attackers fled before Broward Sheriff’s deputies arrived, but a bystander supposedly recorded one of their license plates.

<<careful. snitches get stitches.>>

Ms. Barboza was rushed to the hospital after the incident.  She suffered a broken nose (requiring seven stitches) and received seven staples on the back of her head.

<<I believe it was The Notorious B.I.G. who said, "That's just how the sh*t goes in the struggle mother f**ker">>

Because the victim recorded part of the incident on her phone, we have an image of one of the perpetrators.

Link and text of articles below:

Bat-wielding sisters savagely beat woman in alleged road rage incident

By Katherine Lam | Fox News
March 26, 2018

A Florida woman was savagely beaten with a bat when an enraged sister-duo chased her through a shopping plaza during an alleged road rage incident.

Mikaela Barboza told WSVN she hopes her cellphone video will help police capture the two women who assaulted her on Thursday. The 26-year-old said she was driving down U.S. 441 in Lauderdale Lakes when she cut a woman off. Barboza recalled another woman — said to be the sister of the woman who she initially cut off — was in a separate vehicle and began yelling at her.

“You cut my sister off, that’s disrespectful,” Barboza told WSVN on Sunday about what the sister said.

Barboza said the enraged siblings didn’t stop there. The woman she had cut off began chasing her and allegedly yelled derogatory remarks. Barboza said she feared for her life and pulled into a strip mall, hoping to lose the two sisters — but they found her in the strip mall parking lot.

“Her sister actually blocked me in, and the other sister blocked me from behind,” Barboza said. “I had nowhere to go.”
Mikaela Barboza said she pulled into a shopping mall parking lot to avoid the women.  (WSVN)
She then got out of the car and began recording as the two sisters continued to yell at her. Barboza said one of the sisters grabbed a wooden baseball bat and began hitting her in the head.

“After I got hit the first [time], I just grabbed her and we started wrestling on the floor, so I got the bat away from her,” Barboza recalled.

The other woman then grabbed the bat and began hitting the 25-year-old as she was wrestling with the sister, according to Barboza. A bystander eventually intervened and yanked the bat away. Another witness also recorded the incident.

Barboza was rushed to the hospital and treated for a gash on her head and a broken nose.
“Five stitches on the top and two inside,” Barboza said. “I got seven staples in the back of my head from where the other sister was hitting me in the back.”

“I’m just happy to be here; I’m happy to be alive and not brain dead or anything like that,” she added. “Cause I know it could have been a lot worse.”

Barboza told the Miami Herald she will be pressing charges and filed a police report while she was at the hospital treating her wounds. Broward Sheriff's Office did not respond to WSVN's request for comment.

Katherine Lam is a breaking and trending news digital producer for Fox News. Follow her on Twitter at @bykatherinelam


Road rage leaves Florida woman with broken nose after women beat her with baseball bats

By Aric Chokey
MARCH 26, 2018, 12:10 PM

A case of road rage escalated Thursday when two drivers chased and beat a woman with baseball bats after she cut one of them off.

The brawl left Mikaela Barboza, a 26-year-old from Plantation, with a broken nose, seven staples in the back of her head and seven stitches on her forehead.

“I was bleeding really, really bad,” Barboza recalled Sunday evening.

Barboa said at about 7 p.m., she cut off one of the drivers on U.S. 441, and they followed her to a shopping plaza in Oakland Park. The drivers of the other two vehicles blocked her in, so she got out of her car to confront them.

Video of the encounter in the plaza at the 3700 block of West Oakland Park Boulevard taken by Barboza and a bystander, shows Barboza getting out of her car as a woman with a wooden bat in her hand approaches from a maroon SUV.

Mikaela Barboza, 26, recieved seven stitches on her forehead after a road rage brawl with two other women Sunday. (Courtesy / Mikaela Barboza)

“The police are on their way,” Barboza warned the woman. “I don’t got time for this. I got a kid, bruh. Go ahead, hit me with a bat.”

The woman curses, saying she doesn’t care and adds that the other driver was her sister.
A few seconds later, the video cuts out.

“We were kinda having some words and then all of a sudden her sister came out and hit me in the head with the bat,” Barboza said.

A second video from a bystander shows the women on the ground fighting. Bystanders then intervened, taking the bats away and breaking up the fight.

“You’re very disrespectful,” one of the women yells at Barboza. “You don’t talk about black people. Period.”

The two attackers fled before Broward Sheriff’s deputies arrived, but Barboza said a bystander recorded one of their license plates.

“For the most part, it’s been hell,” she said about her recovery. “I can’t wait for these girls to suffer.”
Barboza told The Miami Herald she filed a police report while she was in the hospital getting her wounds treated. BSO did not respond to immediate request for comment.

26-year-old Mikaela Barboza wound up with a broken nose and staples in her head after a road rage incident.

bun in the oven baked 1 year later . . .

March 22, 2018

Brianna Ashanti Lofton, 20, was arrested for forcing her 1-year old baby to smoke marijuana.

Authorities in Raleigh, North Carolina arrested her after a man from Rochester, New York posted a video online of Lofton giving her daughter marijuana.

The child was placed under the 'care' of Child Protective Services and the mother was put in police custody.

<<When asked why she would do such a thing, Lofton responded: "I was gonna read my baby a book, and then I got high.  I was gonna give her food I cooked, but then I got high.  Now my baby is high as a kite, and I know why. Because I got high, because she got high, because we got high . . .ba da da pah pah pah . . .">>


Link and text to article below:

Woman arrested after seen in Facebook video giving marijuana to 1-year-old

Good Morning America  |  March 22, 2018

A North Carolina mother was arrested on Wednesday after allegedly forcing her 1-year-old child to inhale marijuana, as seen on a Facebook video that went viral.

Brianna Ashanti Lofton, 20, was charged with two counts of felony child abuse, contributing to delinquency and possession of marijuana, according to an arrest warrant obtained by ABC affiliate WTVD.

Raleigh Police became aware of the video after a man in Rochester, New York, posted the video online, according to WTVD.

In a statement, the police department thanked residents and others who began posting the video and related information after 9:30 a.m. Wednesday.

"Big thanks to everyone who posted information about the smoking mother and baby," the department wrote in a Facebook post. "Thanks to your willingness to get involved, the child is now safe and the mother is in police custody."

Lofton was set to meet with Wake County magistrates Wednesday evening and was being held on a $100,000 bond, with a court appearance scheduled for Thursday.

She has been arrested four previous times, all last summer, on various misdemeanors including simple assault.

The child was placed in the care of Wake County Child Protective Services.

Gotta Get Away

Nicole Sciortino, a 30-year old mother of two children (an 11-year old boy and 10-year old girl) decided to let her children fend for themselves during winter while she went on vacation to Florida.

The article does not say how long she planned to be away, but police intervened 3 days later.  Police received a report about children left alone, and on showed up to Sciortino’s house on March 07.

Police said “the place was in ‘deplorable’ condition”; they found it covered in trash, pizza boxes, food, clothes and pills.  The house thermostat read 58 degrees, and the 11-year old boy was wearing a winter coat.  [Prior to leaving, the mother had taught the 11-year old how to put water in the furnace to generate heat].

<< The first day of spring is March 20, so at least she waited until the last few days of winter to leave them - Mighty thoughtful of her!>>.

The mother would call the kids in the morning to wake them up for school.  After getting dressed they would go to the bus stop, then eat breakfast at the school (if they could get it).  The daughter told police she would communicate with her mom with an iPad device using the “Face Time” app.

When the police were able to get ahold of the mother, she initially told them she was nearby.  She then confessed that she was vacationing in Florida and that the children’s father was watching them.

The children’s father, Vincent Licciardello (also 30 years old), dropped off the kids at Sciortino’s house on March 05.  Over the next 3 days, Licciardello would occasionally stop by to drop off food before leaving again.  When the police called the father, he hung up on them, refusing to get the children.  He later told the police that the mother did not want the children sleeping over at his house.  He also claimed his car broke down so he couldn’t check on the kids more often.

<<whaddya think I’m a mechanic?!>>

The mother, Sciortino, told told police that she didn't realize it was against the law to leave her two children home alone unsupervised for an extended period of time and added that she, "didn't think it was really that bad."

<<You make a big deal outta nothin’! Don’t be upsetti, eat some spaghetti!>>

In the movie “Home Alone II”, the parents also travel to Florida.  The difference was that they didn’t intentionally leave the little boy by himself.

 Parents of the year!

Link and text of articles below:

Kids left in cold, dirty house as mom vacationed. She didn’t think it was ‘that bad,’ Penn. cops say

By Josh Magness

March 20, 2018 09:18 AM  |  Updated March 20, 2018 10:57 AM

Nicole Sciortino said she didn’t know it was illegal.

The 30-year-old mother of two faces four counts of endangering the welfare of children after police say she left her two kids — ages 10 and 11 — alone at their home in Dunmore, Pennsylvania, while she vacationed in Florida. She taught her 11-year-old son how to put water in the furnace to generate heat, according to The Times-Tribune, and headed off for her trip down south.

The boy and his 10-year-old sister told police that their mother would call them in the morning to wake them up for school, the Times Tribune reported. Then they would pick out their own clothes before heading to the bus stop, police allege, and would only have breakfast if they could get it at school.

Local officers arrived at Sciortino’s house on March 7 after receiving a call about children who were left there unsupervised, according to court documents obtained by WNEP. Cops say they found the two children in a house that was just 58 degrees — with the 11-year-old wearing a winter coat inside — and covered in trash, pizza boxes, food, clothes and pills.

The girl used an iPad to FaceTime her mother, who first told officers that she was nearby. She later confessed to being in Florida, according to WNEP, and said that the children’s father, who lived at another address, was watching them. Police allege that 30-year-old Vincent Licciardello, their father, dropped the kids off at their mother’s house on March 5 and returned every once in a while over the next few days to give them food before leaving again.

Officers then called Licciardello. According to the Times-Tribune, he hung up on police after refusing to get the children. He later argued that Sciortino didn’t want the kids to sleep at his place, police say, and his car broke down so he couldn’t check on the kids more often.

Vincent Licciardello, the children’s father, would drop food off for his children before leaving them alone at their mother’s house while she vacationed in Florida, police allege.
Dunmore Police

During a March 12 interview at Dunmore police headquarters, Sciortino allegedly told officers that she didn’t think it was illegal or “really that bad” to leave her two preteens home alone, WNEP reported. On Monday, police charged her and Licciardello with four counts of endangering the welfare of children.

They are both out of jail on $10,000 unsecured bail.

Other parents have been accused of doing the same thing.

In Tennessee, a 22-year-old mother is accused of leaving her 2-year-old daughter alone in a room while she took a trip. Cassie Scales was caught, police say, after she called a neighbor during a trip, asking whether they would check in on her 2-year-old daughter who was home alone.

That neighbor called police, who allege Scales locked the child alone in a bedroom while the Tennessee mother took her 3-month-old on a trip along with a friend on Jan. 12.

Police say Erin Lee Macke, a 30-year-old mother from Iowa, took it one step further and left her children alone for an international vacation. Macke left the United States on Sept. 20, planning to return nearly two weeks later on Oct. 1, and left her children — one 6-year-old, one 7-year-old and two 12-year-olds — alone at their house with no one to watch over them.

She told authorities that none of her babysitters could watch the kids, so she just decided to leave her two preteens in charge, police say.

Police: Mom in Florida, Children Home Alone


DUNMORE, Pa. -- A mother and a father are charged with endangering the welfare of their two children in Lackawanna County.

Investigators say the two children were knowingly left alone in Dunmore for nearly three days while the mother was in Florida.

Nicole Sciortino, 30, and Vincent Licciardello, 30, were both arraigned Monday morning on those neglect charges.

Sciortino told police that she didn't realize it was against the law to leave her two children home alone unsupervised for an extended period of time and added that she, "didn't think it was really that bad."

According to court papers, on Wednesday, March 7, Dunmore police responded to the home on Monroe Avenue after receiving a report of children who had been left alone for weeks. When officers arrived, they found a 10 year old and an 11 year old home by themselves. Police say the place was in deplorable condition, with food, boxes, pills, and other trash on the floor. The thermostat read 58 degrees.

Police were able to contact the mother of the two children, Nicole Sciortino. She first told them she wasn't far away, but later admitted to police that she was in Florida. She told investigators that the children's father, Vincent Licciardello, who lives elsewhere, was watching the kids.

During the investigation, police found that on Monday, March 5, Licciardello dropped the kids off at their mother's house early in the morning. Over the next three days, while their mother was in Florida, he would occasionally stop by to drop food off for the unsupervised children.

Newswatch 16 spoke with a few people who work in the area. They were floored to hear about the accusations.

At the time of the investigation, police say one child had missed 16 days of school, while the other had missed 26 days since the start of the school year.

"That hurts. I'm a mom of five kids. I couldn't imagine leaving my kids for 10 minutes without an adult supervisor," said Tamra Murphy. "Who's feeding them? Who's washing their clothes? Who's making sure their homework is done? That upsets me beyond it. That hurts me."

"That's insane to me," said Kaylia Riley. "I mean, at the end of the day, I couldn't even leave my dogs for three days by themselves, let alone children, especially small children. It's just mind-blowing."

Sciortino and Licciardello were both charged Monday with endangering the welfare of children. Both were given $10,000 unsecured bail, so both walked free.

Investigators tell us the two children are staying with family friends through child youth services.
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Monday, March 26, 2018


March 11, 2018:

An Oregon day care owner was giving the kids in her care melatonin (a sleep aid) in order to not have to watch them while she went to the gym to exercise and in order to spend time at a tanning salon.  There were a total of 7 children under her care.

January Neanderthal Neatherlin, 32, was sentenced to 21 years on March 09, 2018 for 11 counts of first-degree criminal mistreatment and one count of third-degree assault.

In addition:
•    Her childcare operation (named “Little Giggles”) was illegal, and had been run for 4 years
•    She lied to the parents about being a registered Nurse
•    She asked inmates to claim they had worked for her at the daycare

Abs of steel – check.  Killer Tan – check.  Tats – check.  Time to look for some lovin' down at the motorcycle bar or outside the local jail. Gnome sayin’?

Link and text of original article:

Daycare Owner Sentenced to 21 Years For Giving Kids Melatonin While She Went Tanning and to Gym

Inside Edition Staff
Inside Edition  |  March 11, 2018

A previous daycare owner in Oregon has been sentenced to 21 years after she gave children melatonin, a sleep-aid, so she could hit the gym and go tanning while they slept.

January Neatherlin, 32, who was sentenced Friday, had been running an illegal childcare operation called “Little Giggles” for four years and lied to parents saying that she was a registered nurse.

The daycare, which was run out of her home, came under police surveillance after a tip from Neatherlin’s former roommate and boyfriend. Police said they saw the 32-year-old leave her house twice while she was supposed to be watching seven children.

Police said she drove her kids to school on the first trip and on the second went to a local tanning salon.

The children who had been left in her care during those trips had melatonin in their systems, according to court documents.

Neatherlin reportedly told parents they could not pick up their children between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. and police found those were the times she had checked in at a local Cross Fit gym and tanning salon.
She referred to those hours as “nap time.”

A child in Neatherlin's care was also once sent to a Portland hospital with multiple head injuries and that she admitted to overheating bottle of milk, giving a young child burns, according to reports.

Neatherlin is accused of asking other inmates to claim they had worked for her at the day care.

Neatherlin pleaded guilty to 11 counts of first-degree criminal mistreatment and one count of third-degree assault, according to court records

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Privilege - My Foot!

A white woman on a United Airlines flight from Austin, TX to Newark, NJ [who was apparently raised by wolves] put her feet up on the food tray while the black man sitting next to her was trying to eat his food in peace.

When the man, Fredrick Joseph, asked her to show some consideration, she complained to the stewardess.  The stewardess sided with the ghetto woman instead of the man (which makes the stewardess sort of ghetto as well).  Not only that, but United Airlines allegedly offered the woman a $1000 voucher if she would cooperate. While this part of the story cannot be corroborated, the woman's ghetto behavior can:

Since when did United Airlines turn into Ghetto Air?  This sort of behavior would have been unacceptable in the early days of commercial flying (the so-called 'glamour age' of flight, from the last century only a few decades ago).  Pretty soon airplanes are going to have big rims on their tires.

Link and original article below:

United Airlines Awards White Woman $1000 After She Disturbs Black Man’s Flight

March 13, 2018

By VIBE Magazine

Frederick Joseph, the creator of the viral #BlackPantherChallenge, reportedly had a terrible experience flying with United Airlines on Mar. 13. According to Joseph, a white woman made his flight less than enjoyable, and when he attempted to alert United employees, they awarded her and dismissed him.

It all started when a woman decided to take off her shoes and put her feet on the table as Joseph was reportedly eating a meal. “This woman next to me took her shoes off and placed both feet on the table. So I’m waiting for flight staff to say something,” he wrote on Twitter. “So flight staff walks by numerous times without saying anything, and I’m irate, because no black person would ever get away with this shit. So I start looking at the staff noting that there is an issue. You know, giving them the snitch eye…”

After a few more minutes, Joseph decided to ask the woman to move her feet, to which she said: “what do you want me to do, the seats are small.” The two go back and forth before alerting a flight attendant. “The flight attendant says… ‘well what if she puts her feet closer to the window or puts one down’ The woman says ‘if I put one foot down, I want to be accommodated for accommodating him,'” he continued.

The attendant then came back with a $1000 voucher for the woman, but nothing for him. “So I ask “what voucher will I be receiving for my suffering” The flight attendant says ‘sir, we can only make but so many accommodations, and she has agreed to move her feet for you,'” he added. Joseph then reportedly got on the phone with customer service, where he received more resistance.

This isn’t the first time passengers of color have had problems with United. There have been several reports of passengers being physically removed from planes or racially-motivated altercations.

Check out Frederick Joseph’s account of the incident here.
[From Twitter Feed]:

So flight staff walks by numerous times without saying anything, and I’m irate, because no black person would ever get away with this shit. So I start looking at the staff noting that there is an issue. You know, giving them the snitch eye...
So finally I decide to say something to the woman myself. So I say “ma’am, I’m trying to eat, and your feet are next to my food.”
She says “what do you want me to do, the seats are small”

So she calls over a flight attendant as soon as I say that!
She says to the flight attendant “this man is disrupting my flight, I’m just trying to be comfortable”
So I point at her feet and explain my stance.

The flight attendant says... “well what if she puts her feet closer to the window or puts one down”
The woman says “if I put one foot down, I want to be accommodated for accommodating him”

So the flight attendant speaks to the person in-charge on the plane and they give promise this woman a fucking $1000 voucher ... ONE.THOUSAND. DOLLAR.
So I ask “what voucher will I be receiving for my suffering”
The flight attendant says “sir, we can only make but so many accommodations, and she has agreed to move her feet for you.”

Now I’m on the phone trying to explain how problematic this all was to a white woman in customer service who doesn’t get my issue.

Friday, March 2, 2018

"No Soup For You"!

Basketball player J.R. Smith (shooting guard for the Cleveland Cavaliers) was suspended for one game for allegedly throwing a bowl of soup at Cavaliers Assistant Coach Damon Jones.

Still, probably not as bad as what Latrell Sprewell did to his coach back in 1997.

And certainly not as bad as what the father of a middle school basketball player did to her daughter's basketball coach back in 2012 in Michigan City, Indiana:

A girl was arguing with a another teammate so the coach made them both run laps as punishment.  When the girl told her father, Shelley Miller, the father brutally assaulted the middle school basketball coach, repeatedly punching him in the face and head until he was unconscious, sending him to the hospital.

Shelley Miller - Father and Felon

Surprisingly (or maybe not if you are familiar with ghetto trash), acquaintances who accompanied Miller to his arraignment defended Miller's actions.

Even though the coach did not hit the daughter or treat her unfairly, Miller and his family/friends still believed assault was an appropriate response.  You can't argue with savages.

Links and original articles below:

NBA's Cavaliers suspended player for throwing soup at coach

By Field Level Media  |  March 02, 2018

J.R. Smith was suspended for Thursday's game against the Philadelphia 76ers as punishment for throwing a bowl of soup at Cleveland Cavaliers assistant coach Damon Jones.

ESPN reported the details of the suspension Friday morning. The Cavaliers announced the suspension for "conduct detrimental" on Thursday.

Coach Tyronn Lue said before the game against the 76ers that Smith was suspended for something that happened after shoot-around Thursday morning but didn't offer specifics. He added that Smith will be ready for practice Friday and return for the team's game against the Denver Nuggets on Saturday.

Rodney Hood started in Smith's place against the Sixers and scored 11 points.

Smith is averaging 8.3 points and 1.9 assists in 59 games (56 starts) this season. The 32-year-old has seen his playing time dip in the team's last three games, getting a season-low 15 minutes on the court against the Memphis Grizzlies last Friday.


Ind. basketball dad knocks coach unconscious because he forced daughter to run laps

by Cameron Smith
Mar 16, 2012, 8:05 AM

An Indiana father is facing serious charges after launching a brutal attack on his daughter's assistant middle school basketball coach for the coach's implementation of an incredibly simple and traditional practice: He made her run laps in the gym.

As reported by South Bend-based TV network WSBT, Michigan City, Ind., basketball father Shelly Miller, aged 37, attacked Michigan City (Ind.) St. Stanislas School assistant middle school girls basketball coach Jeffrey Yackus shortly after one of the team's daily practice concluded.

According to WSBT, Yackus had punished Miller's daughter and another player who argued with each other during practice. Yet the only punishment that Yackus meted out was making the two girls run laps in the school's gym.

It appears that pushed the elder Miller over the edge. When he went to pick up his daughter later, she told the elder Miller about her punishment and he immediately attacked Yackus and punched him in the face.

That first punch apparently leveled the assistant coach, knocking him to the ground, where Miller climbed on top of him and repeatedly punched him in the face and head until he was completely unconscious.

In fact, the incident could have been much worse had it not been for swift intervention by the St. Stanislas head coach, Robert Johnson, who pulled the parent from his colleague and helped transport Yackus to the hospital.

In the immediate aftermath of the incident, Miller was arrested on Class C felony battery charges and was held on $15,000 bond, which he posted shortly thereafter. Meanwhile, the school confirmed that his daughter and the rest of the family were no longer affiliated with the school in any way.

And to think, the entire incident started with a pair of girls basketball players running laps.

Incredibly, those who accompanied Miller to his arraignment defended his actions to a WSBT reporter on site.

"If the coach is [expletive] with your kid, what are you to do?" Wynter Goodwin told the station. "You can't talk to him."

Topless on the tarmac

A crazy nutjob airplane passenger ran onto the tarmac after he was warned about his erratic behavior while boarding his flight (American Airlines Flight 5466 from Charlotte, NC to Cincinnati, OH).

According to authorities, the passenger appeared to be disoriented and was unable to find his seat.

Once on the tarmac, the passenger took his shirt off and began chasing and assaulting airport employees with a "plastic signal wand".  No injuries were reported, and the man was taken into custody for a mental health evaluation.

 Bare-chested bro.  You can see the plastic wand in his hand.

Ready to rumble . . .

I was watching the movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark" (where the main character boards a flight to Nepal) and got to thinking how flying was different back then.  The good thing is that more people can afford it now. The bad thing is that you also get more riff raff.

Commercial Aviation - circa 1930s

Commercial Aviation - circa early 1960's

Commercial aviation - circa 1970's.
[Not as classy as previous eras, but still civilized.]

Link and original article below:

An American Airlines passenger tore off his shirt and aggressively chased airport employees around the tarmac after being warned about his behavior (AAL)

Business Insider
by Mark Matousek
March 1, 2018

•    An American Airlines passenger was detained at Charlotte Douglas International Airport in North Carolina on Monday, according to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department.
•    Authorities say that while boarding the flight, the man was warned about his erratic behavior, then ran to the tarmac, removed his shirt, and chased airport employees with a "plastic signal wand."
•    The man was taken to a nearby hospital for a mental-health evaluation and has not been charged.

Main Article:
An American Airlines passenger chased airport employees on the tarmac at Charlotte Douglas International Airport in North Carolina, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department said.

The man boarded Flight 5466 to Cincinnati on Monday but appeared to be disoriented and was unable to find his seat, authorities said.

After being warned that he would be kicked off of the flight if his behavior continued, the man ran down to the tarmac, removed his shirt, and began to chase airport employees with a "plastic signal wand," the police department said in a statement.

Authorities said the man was taken to a nearby hospital for a mental-health evaluation and has not been charged, and no injuries were reported.

A video taken by a passenger on the flight shows the man running toward airport employees and taking swings at them. American Airlines said the flight departed 35 minutes later than expected.

Tweet Embed:
Just a typically day in Charlotte Douglas Airport on American Airlines @AmericanAir, where’s United when you need them? @united Do you think we should ban all traffic batons, @realDonaldTrump?

Two other notable passenger-related incidents have delayed commercial flights recently.
On Sunday, a United Airlines passenger reportedly deployed and used the emergency slide while boarding a flight at Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey. And on February 21, a Southwest Airlines flight was delayed after an emotional-support dog injured a child.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

College Squatter

A 32-year old began attending college 2 years ago (in 2016) only to drop out of her classes shortly after moving into the dormitory.  Unfortunately, the ghetto welfare queen "student" refused to also drop out of her dorm room.

In essence, Lisa Palmer (pictured below) is no longer a matriculated student at Hunter College in New York, but she lives there for free (and has been for the past two years) and refuses to move out.

[Author's note: I don't know if this is a real story or not, since it comes from Fox News. Also, the article states that Palmer owes $94,000, however the article also states the yearly dorm fees are $6,000 per year; that means 2 years would only be $12,000 that she owes.

If this story is true however, it appears to me that she never had any intention of getting a college degree. She probably only enrolled in order to get into the dorms.]

Lisa Palmer

<<< When asked why she refuses to move out and pay the $94,000 she currently owes, she responded, "muh reparations". >>>

Also according to the article, Hunter College is trying to evict 9 nurses (one who is 67 years old).  If Lisa Palmer thinks dorm life is "really lonely for someone my age", the geriatric ghetto nurse must be feeling REALLY lonely. Gnome sayin'?

Link and original article below:

College files eviction lawsuit after dropout refuses to leave dorm room

By Caleb Parke | Fox News  |  March 1, 2018

A 32-year-old former student has refused to move out of her dorm for two years since dropping out, prompting legal action from a New York college.

In 2016, Lisa S. Palmer enrolled at Hunter College to pursue a geography major but dropped out of classes shortly after she moved into the dorm.

Two years later, the Delaware native who now works at an architecture firm has racked up $94,000 in living expenses for refusing to vacate Hunter College’s premises, despite receiving numerous notices from the school informing her of the eviction, according to a lawsuit filed by the school.

Last year the school’s attorney failed to evict Palmer with a notice that read: “Thirty day notice of termination. You are required to vacate and surrender the premises on or before October 31, 2017, at 12 pm.”

Palmer refused to move and continues to squat in the dorm to this day.

“I plan on fighting the lawsuit and while I fight it, I’m going to stay,” Palmer told the New York Post, but she added that dorm life is “really lonely” for someone her age.

According to Hunter College’s website, residence fees for the Brookdale Residence Hall are $6,000 per school year for a single room, which are only offered to full-time students who maintain a minimum grade point average and keep up with their room and board fees.

Palmer is reportedly one of ten people the school is currently trying to evict, including nine nurses – one 67-years-old – who were given rooms in various wings when it was owned by Bellevue Hospital.

Caleb Parke is an associate editor for You can follow him on Twitter @calebparke