Sunday, August 30, 2015

Michael Brown and Ferguson, MO

I was living in Los Angeles (couple of towns over from the heart of South Central) during the Rodney King riots. My home was a few blocks from Florence Avenue.  I remember hearing the din from the rioting, and turning on my television and just shaking my head in disgust.  I failed to see how looting, burning, and pulling some guy out of a truck and beating him was doing anybody any good.  It was my community (and the communities of others) that those idiots were destroying.

And now here we go again.  I understand people are angry, and I don't believe Mike Brown should have been shot. However, he allegedly robbed a store, and allegedly got into it with the cops.  Why would anyone want to start trouble with the cops, even if you're innocent?  At best, you'll simply get arrested. At worse, you'll get a beatdown and/or be killed.  Seems like common sense to me, but defenders of Mike Brown seem to lack common sense.

The same thing (breaking the law and fighting with the cops) seems to have been the case with Freddie Gray and Eric Garner (which I'll post about later).  I'm sorry but I just can't feel any empathy with these protesters.  The victims might still be alive if they had cooperated, but they chose to be idiots.  And now we have more destruction, more urban blight, a more ghetto-looking neighborhood that nobody wants to live in. Great going you idiots.  If black lives matter so much then why do most blacks get killed by other blacks? And why accuse all cops of being racist? That's as stupid as saying all blacks are criminals.

(Some holiday shoppers on their way to a 5-finger discount sale)

(A Ghetto Ninja surveying the wreckage)

Just the sort of people I want in my neighborhood. At least they stopped for the red light.

A rioter taking a short break.  Looting ain't easy - gnome sayin'?

Ain't no thang - those cars were probably recalled by GM anyways.

Pants up, don't loot!

10-finger discount store. Or maybe it's the sequel to "Fargo".

Looting the beauty supply store.  Gotta look good when you riot. Gnome sayin?

Don't Be like Mike . . . (Brown that is)

Don't sweat it folks - your tax dollars will pay for a new one . . .

I hope the guy on the right gets out of the way before it falls on his foot

Damn, and it was just paid off last week, too.

Northern Ireland 1980, or United States 2014?  I'll let you guess.

Hold Up! - I dropped my contacts. Shine the light so I can see better. Help a brother out!

I think this guy's lost. Palestine is --> that-a-way, a few thousand miles east.

GO CARDINALS! (Stanford U, CA or St. Louis, MO - take your pick)

Pass the Hennessy, dawg.

Where's Waldo? She's trying to block an emergency vehicle.

Auditions for the new 'Thriller' video remake? Not quite.

Looks like Billy Idol back in his Generation X days. Who says crackaz ain't down with the cause?

Even The Village People are getting in on the action.

The Fez versus the Fuzz

I always wonder what the firemen think about things like this.  I know it's their job and maybe in some weird twisted way they appreciate the opportunity to practice their skills. But it's probably also really depressing.

QUICK TRIP convenience store and gas station:

Burn this bitch down - Ya feel me?


Protesting in front of the the Quick Trip. You can see the charred remains on the right. Niggas be keeping it real; so be the token white guy in the center.

Shit's getting real now - gnome sayin'?

This of course is how the PC crowd insists on portraying the protesters - holding hands and singing kumbaya while the racist poe-leece roll in and infringe on their right to peaceful protest.  But I think we know better. We just can't bring ourselves to admit it. It's too embarrassing, it taxes our mind too much, and it contradicts our world view. It's an inconvenient truth.

Peace out, playa

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