Tuesday, January 17, 2017

From butterfly to cockroach

1965 – Martin Luther King Jr leads a group of nonviolent citizens on a march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama for civil rights.  The protesters are beaten by police and troopers, and about 50 protesters end up being hospitalized.

2016 – Fast-forward 51 years:  In Selma, Alabama, an ambulance responds to a call for a medical emergency and instead get shot at by violent thugs for their trouble.

While the emergency technicians began to check the patient’s blood pressure, shots were fired at them.  The technicians got back into their van, and the “patient” jumped up and ran off, according to the local news stations (see source below).

It is now believed that the call (and patient) was a fake, created to lure them into the neighborhood, and that the attack was part of a gang initiation.   There are no leads so far.

My, my, my.  How far Selma has fallen.  Maybe Ava DuVernay can make a movie called “Selma II: John Lewis sticks it to The Man”.

Gnome sayin’?

Way to go, Selma.  Not quite the way I would choose to commemorate MLK, but that’s just me (though to be fair, this happened on December 5, about a month before MLK day).

[In Birmingham, Alabama, a paramedic was attacked by the person he was trying to help.  This happened just a few days ago.  I might write about that later if I get a chance.]

Looks like Alabama is calling open season on first responders.



Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A row in Rowlett

This was one of the more disturbing videos I've seen.

 June 19, 2015:  There are two girls sitting on a bench at Herfurth Elementary school minding their own business.  One of the girls, a 14-year old, was holding her 3-year old cousin on her lap.

Eventually, couple of ratchet hoodrats and their posse come up to the 14-year old and start threatening her, telling her to leave the premises (though they have every right to be there).

[Apparently the two girls, who go to the same middle school, know each other and had a disagreement about a month ago]

The main ghetto girl (a 13-year old) continues to berate the 14-year old girl.  In the video (link below) you can hear her say, "Get up! I'm not playing with you"!

The friend of the 14-year old tells the ghetto girl to leave them alone, to which the second ghetto girl responds, "It's between them, but you can keep your mouth closed."

In the background you can hear a member of the ghetto posse (who is recording the incident) say sardonically, "She's holding that baby so she won't get her ass beat".

All of a sudden, the main hoodrat yanks the 14-year old by the hair pulling her down to the ground, in the process causing the 3-year old to fall and hit their head against the concrete.  The 3-year old begins crying immediately.

The hoodrat then proceeds to drag the 14-year old all across the lawn, punching her repeatedly.

As if that wasn't bad enough, another member of the ghetto posse, a boy in a blue T-shirt holding a basketball, proceeds to dance around the 14-year old while she is on the ground getting beat up, gyrating his pelvis near her head.

Here are screenshots of the video:

 The two hoodrats (standing up) approach the victim (14-year old) sitting with her 3-year old cousin and another acquaintance.

 The main ghetto girl lunges at the 14 year old, grabbing her by the hair.

 The ghetto girl proceeds to throw the 14-year old to the floor with her toddler cousin still in her lap.

 You can see the 3-year old toddler lying on the floor while 14-year old victim is being dragged away; meanwhile, a ghetto bystander holding a basketball looks on.

 The 14-year old is dragged across the lawn and beaten.

Here you can see the ghetto boy dancing around the victim while she is being beaten.  You can also see the second ghetto girl making sure the friend of the victim does not come to her aid.

The cop who investigated the incident, Detective Cruz Hernandez, said "the fight was not racially motivated".

[Yeah right.  What a load of bullsh*t.  I'm almost certain race was a factor.  I'll go even further: If it had been a group of white thugs surrounding a black girl and her little cousin, you can bet it would have made national news.  But because we live in a politically-correct reverse-discrimination society, nobody cares that it was 2 black girls and a black boy harassing and assaulting a white girl, a white toddler, and her white acquaintance]

These are truly sick people.  Who is spawning this ghetto trash?  They aren't raised with morals or decency, and they expect us to sympathize with them.  We are suppose to see these people as 'victims'.  LOL what a joke.

According to the police, the perpetrator and her family were "out of town" after the incident.

[Sure, pal.  Whatever.  More like they were hiding out from the law]

 The 13-year old hoodrat will be charged with assault, as well as injury to a child.  The police decided not to charge the second hoodrat or the person recording the incident, in order to get their cooperation as witnesses.  According to the cop (Hernandez), "It’s not against the law to be a spectator to something you don’t encourage, participate, or promote, but we have some concerns about those two”.

[That is bullsh*t as well. Judging by the comments and actions of her ghetto friend and the person recording the video, they WERE helping to promote the violence.  At the very least, her friend was intimidating the victim and her acquaintance.]

Additionally, according to the same logic from the police, the boy in blue, who was dancing around the victim, should also be charged, as he was encouraging the assault by his actions (he wasn't simply a bystander).  But, the spineless Rowlett police department probably won't.

According to the website where the video was posted (LiveLeak), the person recording the incident is Ernest Irizarry Jr., 14 years old, of Rowlett, Texas.  His picture is listed on some websites, but I haven't been able to confirm if it's the same person, as the websites are unreliable sources.  The facebook page of this person says Bronx, New York (but he might have just changed it).

Regardless, all members of this ghetto posse suck.  Whoever they are.  And so does anyone who makes excuses for them.


Video: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=b3c_1435119168

