Tuesday, January 17, 2017

From butterfly to cockroach

1965 – Martin Luther King Jr leads a group of nonviolent citizens on a march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama for civil rights.  The protesters are beaten by police and troopers, and about 50 protesters end up being hospitalized.

2016 – Fast-forward 51 years:  In Selma, Alabama, an ambulance responds to a call for a medical emergency and instead get shot at by violent thugs for their trouble.

While the emergency technicians began to check the patient’s blood pressure, shots were fired at them.  The technicians got back into their van, and the “patient” jumped up and ran off, according to the local news stations (see source below).

It is now believed that the call (and patient) was a fake, created to lure them into the neighborhood, and that the attack was part of a gang initiation.   There are no leads so far.

My, my, my.  How far Selma has fallen.  Maybe Ava DuVernay can make a movie called “Selma II: John Lewis sticks it to The Man”.

Gnome sayin’?

Way to go, Selma.  Not quite the way I would choose to commemorate MLK, but that’s just me (though to be fair, this happened on December 5, about a month before MLK day).

[In Birmingham, Alabama, a paramedic was attacked by the person he was trying to help.  This happened just a few days ago.  I might write about that later if I get a chance.]

Looks like Alabama is calling open season on first responders.



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