Saturday, March 26, 2016

No love for the crackas

In my last post I talked about a (allegedly) white man (Stanislav Petrov) who was beaten up by the police and how I didn’t see people out protesting. (not that I would expect groups like the Black Lives Matter movement to protest, since they are only interested in police brutality against blacks).

There was another story before that one which involved a white man, John Geer, who was shot at his home.  Geer was allegedly unarmed and had his hands up.  And unlike the Michael Brown case, there were other officers who were witnesses and who claim that Geer had his hands up when he was shot.

This story got more attention than did the Petrov case, but nothing like the Michael Brown case.  Apparently most people think it’s only a crime if the person who is shot and/or killed is black.

So far there doesn’t appear to have been any protests where people misbehaved (in a ghetto fashion).  So why am I talking about the Petrov and Geer cases here on GPS?  Because it ties in with the other stories about alleged excessive force on the part of the police and the claim that it happens only to people of color.

Most people would say that it happens disproportionately (not exclusively); I don’t know whether or not that is true (as I have not kept track of police brutality cases).  But even if that is true, I also know that most crime is now committed by people of color.  The number of Blacks and Hispanics in jail is disproportionately high compared to their numbers in the general population.  So this of course means that run-ins between people of color and the police is increased, which means the risk of being abused by a police officer is also increased.

It’s simple probability and common sense, but the politically-correct crowd seems to have a hard time grasping this.


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