Monday, March 14, 2016

Macon NAACP and Walmart

A big wag of the finger to the NAACP.

In Macon, Georgia, on June 28, 2015 at approximately 1:50 a.m., dozens of people (estimated between 40-50 teenagers/young adults), mainly, if not exclusively African-American, all rushed into a Wal-Mart store at the same time, knocking things over and causing a general disturbance.  It was reported that the this "flash mob" caused about $2000 in damage.


As the mob exited the store, one of them hit a bystander in the head or neck.  The bystander (who appeared to be a white, middle aged man and was wearing a “green lantern” t-shirt) had just been standing there and looking; he had not provoke the mob in any way (he was actually trying to stay out of the way).

6 people were arrested in connection with the incident: Kharron Green, Vashaun Rozier, Akeyla Rozier, Hajj-Malik Renfroe, LeKelvin Renfroe, and Larry White.

One of the things the suspects above were charged with was "gang activity".  According to the sheriff's department, you don’t have to be a member of a gang to be indicted for gang activity (apparently, 2 or more people getting together and engaging in criminal activity constitutes “gang activity”), although the sheriff claimed gang signs were flashed during the attack, [as can be seen in the third screenshot above]).

Afterwards, the local chapter of the NAACP held a press conference. It was recorded by a local news station (41 WMGT).  During the broadcast, the local NAACP president (Gwenette Westbrooks) had the following to say:

To actually charge these kids with second degree damage to property, a riot, and street gang activity is too severe for this type of incident.
I think to impose this type of charges [sic], it kind of kills their future.
 - Gwenette Westbrooks, president of the local (Macon-Bibb County) Branch of the NAACP.

RIDICULOUS!  I could not believe this when I heard it.  She basically wants all charges dropped.  She apparently does not want them to be punished in any way.  That is SO GHETTO!!

I can maybe see dropping the gang-related charge. However, these kids DID riot, they DID cause damage to property, so to ask for these charged to be dropped is unreasonable not to mention stupid.

If there are no consequences, then the message sent to these kids is that they can do whatever they want; that nothing they do is wrong.

During the same press conference, a group of African-American citizens were present, standing on either side of Ms. Westbrooks.  It was not clear if they were in any way affiliated with the NAACP (they were identified in the broadcast simply as “concerned citizens”). Two of them had the following to say:

It’s not against the law to go into Wal-Mart, it’s not against the law to go in two by two.  I go into Wal-Mart and sometimes I knock things off the shelf. So I don’t know what their crime was.
 - Dr. Henry Ficklin

The jurors could give them a strict admonishing, talk to them, I think that would be more helpful than [setting these high bonds???{it was hard to understand what he said}], and messing up their future.
- Rev. John Glover

Now, I'm not sure what sort of a doctor this Henry Ficklin character is (maybe his first name is doctor), but any idiot knows that knocking things off the shelf accidentally and doing it on purpose are two entirely different things.  I'm assuming that's what he meant when he says he knocks things off the shelf, but who knows!!  Maybe he's a vandal, too.

Dr. Shelf-Knocker: Your village called, they want their idiot back

As for the second comment (by the Reverend John Glover), he sort of mumbled the last part of this statement, so I couldn't understand the whole thing, but he basically said all the suspects needed was a reprimand.  Yeah; because these kids had no idea what they were doing was wrong.  Is this reverend that naive or is he just stupid?

Reverend Reprimand - because harsh language always works with thugs

Later in the broadcast, Ms. Wesbrooks stated the following:

We’re gonna be actually doing a protest.  It’s time for making a wake-up.  It’s time for us to wake up and to stand up to things that are not right in our community.” [sic]
- Gwenette Westbrooks

Really?  A protest to get these kids off the hook?  Honestly, doesn't the NAACP have better things to do with their time and money than try defending a few thugs?  This incident had nothing to do with race anyway, so why is the NAACP even involved?

I mean, would they be that concerned if it was a bunch of white people trashing Walmart? I realize whites are not their purview, but still.

[Though if you really want to hear someone stupid (and sleazy), check out the video of Kharron Green's lawyer (link below).]

I thought the NAACP was an organization that worked for the advancement of blacks.  I don't see how excusing this sort of behavior is advancing anyone's cause. Because of this, I have completely lost respect for the NAACP. I think they suck.

And I think all the people belonging to that flash mob suck, too.  But I also feel sorry for them.  To have the mindset that acting like an ass is somehow acceptable because "the man keeps you down" - that must really suck.  And it sucks for society because we have to put up with these losers.

Video link to the Riot:

Video link to the NAACP press conference:

Video link to Green's defense lawyer:

Story in WMAZ news:

Westbrooks, you're a dumbass.


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