Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Killing for Peanuts

Juvenile delinquent to hardened adult criminal Tyrone "Peanut" Howard killed a plainclothes police officer in October 2014.  The police officer, Randolph Holder, was African-American.

Slain police officer Randolph Holder

This might have been avoided had Howard been sent to jail in May 2014 after he was arrested (he had already been connected with the shooting of a drug dealer and two innocent bystanders a few years before, in 2009).  But Manhattan supreme court justices Edward McLaughlin and Patricia Nuñez recommended a ‘drug diversion program’ (rehab) instead.

The mayor (Bill de Blasé Blasio) vehemently criticized the verdict, as did the police commissioner (Bill Bratton).

After the death of Holder, both McLaughlin and Nuñez claim that they were not told of the 2009 shooting (because the district attorney at the time did not prosecute), which is why they sent him to rehab instead of jail.  The district attorney at the time (Cyrus Vance Jr.) claims he recommended incarceration during the 2014 hearing.

Nuñez stated that she was simply making use of one of the programs that politicians (such as mayor de Blasio) wanted put in place as an alternative to jail, and that he (de Blasio) and other politicians are partly at fault for this tragedy.

It appears it’s a case of ‘he said/she said’.  The mayor and police commissioner are blaming the judges, and the judges are blaming the district attorney and the mayor.  In other words, politics as usual.  None of these nincompoops wants to take any responsibility. This must be painfully frustrating for the family of the dead police officer.

So why is this on GPS?  Because I’m curious to see who the politically-correct ghetto enablers side with.  Do they side with Howard because he killed a so-called “evil racist” cop?  Or do they side with Holder because he was black?  Their brains must be imploding right now.

The Hall of shame:

District Attorney Cyrus "failed to prosecute" Vance, Jr.: Did he or did he not notify the judges of the 2009 shooting?

Or maybe it was the previous district attorney (Robert Morgenthau, retired 2009) who is at fault:

 Robert Morgenthau: Did he get too soft or senile in his old age?

NY Supreme court justice Edward "Bleeding Heart" McLaughlin: Supreme fail.

NY Supreme court justice Patricia "I had no idea" Nuñez: Supreme fail #2

NYC mayor Bill "no mass incarceration" de Blasio: Does that include not incarcerating violent criminals?

And last (and most certainly least):

momma's little boy, Tyrone "Peanut" Howard: Gnome sayin'?

Sources below:

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