Thursday, March 31, 2016

Reduced to Ashley

Just when I thought people couldn't get more ghetto, someone surprises me.

Ashley Nikole Weir, a mother of three, allowed her boyfriend's brother (Dakota Popham, a registered sex offender) to tattoo her three underage kids.  They were each tattooed on their ankles.

-Her oldest, a 13-year old boy, got a cross.
-Her second oldest, a 10-year old girl, got a cross with an infinity symbol.
-And last but not least, her youngest child, a 9-year old girl, got a heart with an arrow.

Their mother was apparently very drunk at the time, and she told her kids not to whine about the pain.
Mom of the year: Ashley (not worth a Nikole) Weir.  Aight!!

When the children's father went to pick them up, they showed him their ankles.

Ms. Weir also has a little rap sheet going (drunk driving, resiting arrest, etc).  Way to go, Mom!


Toys for Twats

Looks like some employees from the Foss Park District (an area in northern Chicago) thought it would be a good idea to steal christmas toys that were meant for children in need.

Toys for Tots (a charity program run by the U.S. Marines that donates toys to needy children) contracted with the Foss Park District for the 2014 toy drive.

Susan Dixon, a commissioner of Foss Park District, was caught in the act by security cameras removing toys from a storage room and loading them into her van.  Her son Mark Dixon, also an employee of Foss Park, as well as two other employees, have been charged with felony theft as well.

At this time, all four defendants have pleaded 'not guilty'.

A lawyer for Ms. Dixon claimed that the toys were at that point 'district' property (and no longer U.S. Marine / government property) because the incident occured at the end of the last day of distribution, and that Dixon "was taking the toys for her five grandchildren".

Although it was noted that the toys were taken by Dixon (and others) before that point.

In addition, a Marine (Latonya Dickerson), who pleaded guilty in the theft case (misdemeanor theft under $300), admitted to telling the workers that they could start taking the toys.

Unfortunately I couldn't find a picture of Latonya Dickerson on the internet, but it's pretty shameful for a marine to act in such a manner. Is this person even a real marine?

Maybe they'll make a second grinch movie for this christmas (starring the defendants).


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

NYC cops are ghetto

Last year when I posted about Eric Garner I mentioned that I dislike the NYPD (for various reasons).

Well they just gave me another reason.  Apparently some plainclothes pigs police in an unmarked vehicle almost ran over a mailman, Glenn Grays.  When Mr. Grays shouted at the car, they stopped and started harassing him.

Even after Mr. Grays identified himself as a mailman, the pigs police officers continued to harass him and accuse him of ‘resisting arrest’.  It sounds like a parody or exaggeration of cops, but in this case it’s true.

There are good cops out there, and many of them deserve our sympathy (such as officer Randolph Holder, who was shot by some two-bit thug, and who I just posted about).  But it’s a-holes like these other ones who ruin it for everybody else.

The police commissioner, Bill Bratton, was quoted as saying: “Based on what I witnessed on that, the various videos I've reviewed now, I have strong concerns about the charge against the individual”.

Yeah, whatever, Billy-boy.  If there hadn’t been a video you probably would not have given a crap.

Billy-boy also said that the officers were suppose to be working in uniform at the time (but weren’t, just like those third world death squad cops like to do).

Oink oink!

Source below:

Killing for Peanuts

Juvenile delinquent to hardened adult criminal Tyrone "Peanut" Howard killed a plainclothes police officer in October 2014.  The police officer, Randolph Holder, was African-American.

Slain police officer Randolph Holder

This might have been avoided had Howard been sent to jail in May 2014 after he was arrested (he had already been connected with the shooting of a drug dealer and two innocent bystanders a few years before, in 2009).  But Manhattan supreme court justices Edward McLaughlin and Patricia Nuñez recommended a ‘drug diversion program’ (rehab) instead.

The mayor (Bill de Blasé Blasio) vehemently criticized the verdict, as did the police commissioner (Bill Bratton).

After the death of Holder, both McLaughlin and Nuñez claim that they were not told of the 2009 shooting (because the district attorney at the time did not prosecute), which is why they sent him to rehab instead of jail.  The district attorney at the time (Cyrus Vance Jr.) claims he recommended incarceration during the 2014 hearing.

Nuñez stated that she was simply making use of one of the programs that politicians (such as mayor de Blasio) wanted put in place as an alternative to jail, and that he (de Blasio) and other politicians are partly at fault for this tragedy.

It appears it’s a case of ‘he said/she said’.  The mayor and police commissioner are blaming the judges, and the judges are blaming the district attorney and the mayor.  In other words, politics as usual.  None of these nincompoops wants to take any responsibility. This must be painfully frustrating for the family of the dead police officer.

So why is this on GPS?  Because I’m curious to see who the politically-correct ghetto enablers side with.  Do they side with Howard because he killed a so-called “evil racist” cop?  Or do they side with Holder because he was black?  Their brains must be imploding right now.

The Hall of shame:

District Attorney Cyrus "failed to prosecute" Vance, Jr.: Did he or did he not notify the judges of the 2009 shooting?

Or maybe it was the previous district attorney (Robert Morgenthau, retired 2009) who is at fault:

 Robert Morgenthau: Did he get too soft or senile in his old age?

NY Supreme court justice Edward "Bleeding Heart" McLaughlin: Supreme fail.

NY Supreme court justice Patricia "I had no idea" Nuñez: Supreme fail #2

NYC mayor Bill "no mass incarceration" de Blasio: Does that include not incarcerating violent criminals?

And last (and most certainly least):

momma's little boy, Tyrone "Peanut" Howard: Gnome sayin'?

Sources below:

Saturday, March 26, 2016

No love for the crackas

In my last post I talked about a (allegedly) white man (Stanislav Petrov) who was beaten up by the police and how I didn’t see people out protesting. (not that I would expect groups like the Black Lives Matter movement to protest, since they are only interested in police brutality against blacks).

There was another story before that one which involved a white man, John Geer, who was shot at his home.  Geer was allegedly unarmed and had his hands up.  And unlike the Michael Brown case, there were other officers who were witnesses and who claim that Geer had his hands up when he was shot.

This story got more attention than did the Petrov case, but nothing like the Michael Brown case.  Apparently most people think it’s only a crime if the person who is shot and/or killed is black.

So far there doesn’t appear to have been any protests where people misbehaved (in a ghetto fashion).  So why am I talking about the Petrov and Geer cases here on GPS?  Because it ties in with the other stories about alleged excessive force on the part of the police and the claim that it happens only to people of color.

Most people would say that it happens disproportionately (not exclusively); I don’t know whether or not that is true (as I have not kept track of police brutality cases).  But even if that is true, I also know that most crime is now committed by people of color.  The number of Blacks and Hispanics in jail is disproportionately high compared to their numbers in the general population.  So this of course means that run-ins between people of color and the police is increased, which means the risk of being abused by a police officer is also increased.

It’s simple probability and common sense, but the politically-correct crowd seems to have a hard time grasping this.


Crackas don't count

When Rodney King was beaten in southern California, it made headlines (and rightly so – those pigs had no right to beat someone like that.  All they had to do was restrain and arrest him).

What of course made the incident so potent was the claim of racism (the cops were white, Rodney King was black).  I think it's safe to say there was an element of racism involved, but the main crime was the beating.

Fast forward a couple of decades or so and something similar happens in northern California.  A man is viciously beaten with batons in San Francisco after having led police in a car chase from a neighboring county.

The man was a criminal (he had stolen the car, had rammed police cars and injured a deputy, and there were drugs and a semi-automatic handgun in the car).  Clearly this person was not some aspiring doctor trying to turn his life around (gnome sayin’?).

This story did not make national headlines.  There were no protests (odd considering the recent slough of cases concerning ‘police brutality’).  The news stories I read did not mention the race of the person.  Therefore, I can only assume that the man who was beaten was white.  His name also suggests this (Stanislav Petrov).

If the man is white, then it’s no wonder this story did not make more headlines – it doesn’t fit with the media’s narrative that ONLY black people are abused by cops.

The silence is deafening.


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

What's the Beef? - Wendy's Employee vs customers

In January 2011, some savages patrons of the fast-food chain "Wendy's®" viciously attacked a single working mother of 5 children.

Michelle Ortiz (a hispanic woman), 42, an employee of the Wendy's restaurant located on Hillside Avenue in Queens, New York, was trying to break up a fight between some teenagers (later identified as being students from Martin Van Buren High School) when the teens turned on her.

According to one of Ortiz's coworkers (YouTube link below), Ortiz asked the teenagers to leave if they weren't going to buy anything.

One of the teenagers threw food at her, then a few moments afterwards, she was attacked.  A gang of girls slapped, punched, and kicked Ortiz in the head continuously.  She suffered a concussion.

Initially, police were on the lookout for five girls in connection with the incident; subsequently, they found and charged two 15-year old girls, and are looking for 2 more (according to one of the stories below).


None of the stories I could find described the assailants; all they said was that it was "teenagers".  Now, whenever the media describes perpetrators as "teenagers", it's usually their euphemism for 'black' or 'hispanic'.  But, in order to make sure (and so that people don't accuse me of racism), I found the video.  This is a screenshot of the main assailant:

The video is fuzzy most of the time, but if my readers take the time to look at the video themselves, they will see that it is an african american girl.

Now, if it was a bunch of white girls beating up a hispanic girl (or black girl), this story might have made more headlines. However, because the assailants were people of color, this story was conveniently buried.

That's pretty messed up.  I mean, this woman relies on her job to raise 5 kids.  She's not some welfare queen (like her attackers will probably end up being).  She suffered from headaches and nausea after the attack and for a while was not able to go back to work.

I don't get why these hoodrats need to be so violent. Then they wonder why nobody wants to live near them.  Or maybe they don't.  Ya feel me?

Sources below:

YouTube video of attack: